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SpamCop Facebook Group


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For those that haven't been there, checked in, created an account, etc .... If you do, please take the time to read and understand the issues and settings described at http://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation.php

For further research/background, use your favorite search engine and use keywords like;

facebook +privacy

facebook +lawsuit


buzz +privacy

buzz +lawsuit

Yes, this site/tool/whatever is still growing strong, but .. in aggregate with other tools and their associated databases (myspace, twitter, buzz, etc.) there's a lot of data that can be simply made toooo public for a lot of folks. Facebook has been under fire over the last few months after making several massively different decisions about what data was 'really' private or not. Google folks are admitting that they really, really screwed up with the initial deployment of buzz. All I'm saying is .. make sure you know what data you are providing and what/who has access to that data.

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Copied from facebook:

Basic Info

Name: SpamCop friends and users

Category: Internet & Technology -

WebsitesDescription: Friends and users of spamcop.net

Privacy Type: Open: All content is public.

Contact Info

Email: deputies[at]spamcop.net

Website: http://www.spamcop.net

Location: San Bruno, CA

Recent News

News:Now SpamCop has a facebook group

Copied from facebook "WALL"
pageKelly Molloy Just FYI, this is the official SpamCop group. Accept no imitations.

Mon at 4:10pm

Just wondering how much should or can be read into the statement by Kelly?

The forum has never been considered "official" and links from the official web sites to the forum have been removed.

For me the discussion page shows: There are no discussions.

Not sure if that means what it says, or if one has to be logged in to see the discussions.

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Just wondering how much should or can be read into the statement by Kelly?

The forum has never been considered "official" and links from the official web sites to the forum have been removed.

I wouldn't read to much into it. I would think with the fact that there has always been the spam cop [dot] com site and I guess now two SpamCop group's in facebook, this is just someone standing on a soapbox yelling 'I am the real messiah' to differentiate them from other folks standing on a soapbox.

With what I understand to be the open forum of facebook, comments there can't be that much more "official" than anything else other than spamcop.net

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Copied from facebook:Copied from facebook "WALL" Just wondering how much should or can be read into the statement by Kelly?

It means that that particular Facebook group is actually run by an official representative of SpamCop. The other, TTBOMK, is not.

Edited because I can't type today.

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I created a SpamCop group on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, please join us:


There's another SpamCop group, but it has little content and it wasn't started by SpamCop staff, so I can't vouch for it.

Also, in a social networking spree, I also created a SpamCop.net account on Twitter:


Follow us!

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