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About A.J.Mechelynck

  • Birthday 01/25/1951

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  • Location
    Schaerbeek (near Brussels, Belgium)
  • Interests
    Homo sum, et humani nihil a me alienum puto. (I'm human, and I don't regard anything human as foreign to me.)

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  1. Hm, yes, trying to re-parse with that same tracking URL gives me the same errors, but SC also tells me that "reports have already been sent" — albeit to nomaster[at]devnull.spamcop.net — concerning that IPv6 address.
  2. Yes, and considering all the ways to abbreviate an IPv6 address, just converting the address-as-text (as found in the mail headers) to the address-as-128-bits (the unique value which can be meaningfully compared for equality, and so blacklisted or not) is an unobvious task, albeit well-defined. At least now (and unlike what happened when the first IPv6 spam appeared), when SpamCop chokes on an IPv6 spam it gives a clear message that it currently doesn't support IPv6. One could always wish for full IPv6 support; but let's not forget that even after the purchase by IronPort and the latter's purchase by Cisco, SpamCop is still cruelly understaffed and, AFAIK, the only person who more or less masters the SpamCop source is Julian, and I'm not sure how much time he can dedicate to finding (in the “mass of spaghetti†mentioned a few posts ago, and without neglecting his other duties) the relevant code for this particular problem (which probably is neither the only problem nor the most urgent one), fixing it, testing it, checking for side-effects, etc. etc. etc. I don't know about y'all, but the IPv6 spam messages that fall into my inbox are (still) few and far between; I believe that we still have several years before they become the majority, and I'm confident that the SpamCop code will be suitably modified in time to handle them satisfactorily before they become an unbearable nuisance.
  3. I just got a spam that SpamCop wouldn't even parse because there was a bogus Received line with an IPv6 address, after ("earlier than") an IPv4 Received line saying from where my Mailhost got the spam: http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z5130543490z0...6bdd3878493570z
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