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  1. Another Microsoft FREE trial this time using AZURE this was then relayed through Turkey Been getting a few of this spam phishing asking to confirm your password? Or a "new" technique for email marketers to validate email address https://ibb.co/dDDLp43 https://ibb.co/1b33qYV
  2. Doubt if it was TEMU? TEMU are an American company trying to sell Chinese made quality (often at least) products at Chinese prices. Takes the less than a week for me to get what I buy (mainly underpants. socks, etc), so far no complaints. Scammers are using their name! Security reminder (By TEMU) Be wary of scam messages posing as customs or courier companies, which usually tell you that your package cannot be delivered for some reason and that you need to pay a fee for it to be delivered. TEMU do set a aggressive PUP on your Browser something Windows defender won't remove Try this free Windows PUP remover Contains nagware!
  3. Now sendgrid are offering spammers delight forging Foxnews email! don't recommending you use the bogus manual "add your email" to bogus optout (yes they have your email anyhow) But here you very likely get put on their spammer list (Pwned) and become one of spammer genuine verified email addresses! Which are then sold$$$ to other would be email "marketers" this is 12 months ago seems started again was last scam email (now on reporting to the FED's as well) https://www.abuseipdb.com/check/ before it was from https://www.abuseipdb.com/check/ So take care emails that appear legit may not be
  4. Doubt if your email address has been gathered by reporting spam. More likely it has been scraped from the Internet by a Bot Webspider https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_crawler#Crawler_identification Would help to see a SpamCop track URL You best attack is report spam at lest your email address will be listwashed by spammers as poison
  5. Seems abuse address fixed now Spamhaus always send a abuse address every time they relist https://check.spamhaus.org/listed/?searchterm= The machine using this IP is infected with malware that is emitting spam or is sharing a connection with an infected device. Botnets I always report to the countries Cert as well https://www.first.org/members/teams/kz-cert you get the most of the worlds certs here https://www.first.org/members/teams/ Just put the counties name in search box
  6. IP addresses are unlikely to be whitelisted. But just remembered there is away to get around SpamCop's blocklist That's to ask your clients to whitelist you email address. Whitelisting bypasses all spam-blocklists, if there is no easy way to do this (there should be) they need to request their email provider to set it up But can't see any evidence SpamCop has block your IP? https://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip=
  7. Just remembered there is away to get around SpamCop's blocklist That's to ask your clients to whitelist you email address. Whitelisting bypasses all spam-blocklists, if there is no easy way to do this (there should be) they need to request their email provider to set it up
  8. Just remembered there is away to get around SpamCop's blocklist That's to ask your clients to whitelist you email address. Whitelisting bypasses all spam-blocklists, if there is no easy way to do this (there should be) they need to request their email provider to set it up
  9. Any email provider worth their salt can whitelist a contact or email sender so it bypasses any and all blocklists they use. Most blocklists hit the IP/s not a email address. whitelisting puts a email address ahead of all IP blocklists.
  10. Email receivers can easily whitelist any sender email address (sometimes a contact with email provider), which will then bypass any and ALL blocklist that ISP uses.
  11. sounds like porn spam. To attack such porn sites you need to find the registrar, SpamCop doesn't just finds the IP of the Website. If there is no registrar then you need to tell the IP owner, otherwise they cannot act. Also usually these porn sites are phishing for credit cards and blackmail. You need to send a complaint to the Feds if the Site is registered in USA "phishing-report[AT]us-cert[DOT]gov" in windows I use this free program to find a Registrar https://www.gena01.com/win32whois/ Also if porn report as Child abuse most do not have on file the the pictures are over 18 (legal requirement) My boiler plate for Child porn is below, Don't worry about what the registrar may say, this is a matter for the FED's to decide And you have notified the Registrar which means they are then compliant as pedophiles if and when the FED acts. Child porn phishing spammer spammer pictures under 18 or made to look under 18 NO PROOF OF AGE available! SENT TO MINORS 2257 Regulations (C.F.R. Part 75), part of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, require producers of sexually explicit material to obtain proof of age for every model they shoot, and retain those records. Federal inspectors may at any time launch inspections of these records and prosecute any infraction. "unless the websites “perform reasonable age verification methods” — in short, requiring users to show government ID to prove they are 18 or older." No working unsubscribe
  12. Good luck with that, what you going to do about the spam-traps that don't let you know and just bit-bin the listed IP's for maybe months. Also your "clients" can easily whitelist your sender email address, which will bypass any blocklist that ISP uses. Strange that your "clients" are not doing that don't you think? Have you even asked them to? Simple process for a ISP email provider to setup their own spam-trap, a lot more horrifying than SpamCop's SCBL. Already I have a pwned Gmail account which was being flooded by office365, just pushing the "PHISHING" in spam folder and now nothing, Gmail not told anyone but Ofice365 IP are now not even now seen hitting my spam folder. And I don't report them through SpamCop.
  13. Why is it my or for that matter SpamCop's problem that Microsoft365 are allowing masses of fraudster spammers, as well as naïve users to bomb email accounts out of existence? Otherwise known as a DoS attacks most accounts are shut down by the receiving ISP, this has happened to numerous people often destroying their business and income. As I said SpamCop has no control over who uses their BlockList There are other blocklists that are less forgiving than SCBL and won't let the sender know they are blocked. That is what you are complaining about, CISCO and others like I suspect Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo will not even tell the sender, they just bit-bin their IP/s Most companies selling email accounts set up protection against IP's that DoS attack sometimes whole countries, infact some allow one to block whole countries IP range.
  14. As Lking suggest you are using a Microsoft shared IP for Office365 a spam-trap should not ever confirm or deny that it is being hit! SpamCop AFAIK is the only one that does the vast number of others will not, So it will not be listed only by SpamCop. SpamCop only blocks for 24 hours after spam stops hitting SCBL, the others probably bit-bin after tripped for weeks if not months. You need to make sure your email list is not full of poisoned/spam-trap email addresses. But even if your email address is clean, does not mean others using Office365 shared IP's are Ideally you need to send from a dedicated IP
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