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No source IP address

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(Note to mods: it might be worthwhile moving this to the "mailhosts" forum)

Sorry if this has been covered before. I did try to search but the board search engine <fe>helpfully</fe> refused my query on the grounds that one or all of my key words were below four characters. I did try to quote the phrase, but to no avail - and "no" and "IP" are crucial to my query!

Spamcop has been unable to process the last half dozen or so pieces of spam that have made it through to my inbox because "No source IP address found, cannot proceed." the latest that I've tried to report was:


Has Spammy found a way to neutralize Spamcop, or is the lack of IP address something to do with my SMTP server?

Edited to add: While mooching around the main Spamcop site, I noticed something about mailhosts. Checking that forum reveals that this is a common problem where a user's MX records have changed, which mine have. However, the instructions for configuring mailhosts are confusing for me since my setup has the following characteristics:

  • 7 domains, each of which has the same inbound SMTP servers but with the first priority aliased to mail[at]domain.
  • I'm using wildcarded addresses. For example, I give a unique address to each vendor who asks for my email address. These all start with a particular string and I've configured my server to accept mail addressed to any username that starts with that string except those that I've blacklisted.
  • From the above, I have an infinite number of email addresses - and the instructions say that I must configure mailhosts for each email address that might receive spam :(

So, do I just need to configure mailhosts for one address, one address per domain, or all possible addresses?



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Yes, the 'search' on the forum is limited. That's why Wazoo added the search box at the top of the page.

Did you read this part of the report that you posted?

Possible forgery. Supposed receiving system not associated with any of your mailhosts

Will not trust anything beyond this header

No source IP address found, cannot proceed.

Add/edit your mailhost configuration

Finding full email headers

Submitting spam via email (may work better)

Example: What spam headers should look like

Nothing to do.

Occasionally, ISPs change mail servers and you need to update your mailhosts. Have you done that?

In the second result I found after using the search box at the top of the page, it turned out to be another problem. Many of the mailhost configuration failures can't be solved in the forum because forum users don't have access to behind the scenes information. On the other hand, since I am not an expert at reading headers, another forum member may be able to point out what exactly is wrong.

Miss Betsy

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Did you read this part of the report that you posted?

Yes - but that didn't give me any clues that mailhost config might be to blame. To get the info necessary to make my edit, I had to root around elsewhere.

However, I'm now fairly sure that my mailhost config is to blame - but I don't know what I have to do to correct this: hence the question at the end of my post.


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Spamcop has been unable to process the last half dozen or so pieces of spam that have made it through to my inbox because "No source IP address found, cannot proceed." the latest that I've tried to report was:


Immediate failure noted at the first Received: line

0: Received: from fhw-inmx18.plus.net ([]) by gjctech.co.uk ([] running VPOP3) with ESMTP for <x>; Tue, 24 Mar 2009 09:22:01 -0000

Hostname verified: fhw-inmx18.plus.net

Possible forgery. Supposed receiving system not associated with any of your mailhosts

Will not trust anything beyond this header

As Miss Betsy points out, the very first 'option' listed is to Add/Edit your mailhost configuration ....

Has Spammy found a way to neutralize Spamcop, or is the lack of IP address something to do with my SMTP server?

Neither question is clear to me. There is an IP Address shown in the process, and yes, there is an issue with the MailHost Configutation of your Reporting Account. Spammer has no control over that situation.

From the above, I have an infinite number of email addresses - and the instructions say that I must configure mailhosts for each email address that might receive spam

Please point to just where you found that statement made, most definitely in contrast to how many times and different ways it has been posted that it's the "host" that needs to be added in, not the "address" ....

So, do I just need to configure mailhosts for one address, one address per domain, or all possible addresses?

The initial answer would be "one address per host" such that the "host" gets entered. However, you have definitely confused the isuue by suggesting that you have mapped multiple Domain names to the same server. (I wil admit that I'm not sure I understand your description of "first priority aliased to mail[at]domain" at all. No idea what "priority" might mean and not sure if you are using "mail" as an actual addres or not ... very confusing .. wondering about all those other issues involved, like rDNS for example)

Yes - but that didn't give me any clues that mailhost config might be to blame.

??? One Received: line looked at for analysis, result was an immediate error due to that 'host' not being recognized as "yours" ..... What other possibilities might there actually be?

To get the info necessary to make my edit, I had to root around elsewhere.

Not sure I know what you are trying to say there. This Forum is laid out with different parts of the SpamCop.net system split out into their own sections. Is this what you mean by "elsewhere" ????

However, I'm now fairly sure that my mailhost config is to blame - but I don't know what I have to do to correct this: hence the question at the end of my post.

The above comment also applies to the SpamCop FAQ as found via links at the top of the page, Wiki pages also basically self-defined. There are step-by-step procedures offered up, definitions, descriptions, etc. available in both places, other data found in the Pinned endtries in the MailHost Configuration Forum section, the Dictionary, the Glossary, and the Original/Official FAQ ....

At this point, I'm left to wonder what you have and/or have not done, comparing all the existing data and all of the "rooting around" you describe. Providing a Tracking URL was a great thing to do, such that the actual error condition could be seen and discussed. However, your "multiple Domains" scenario with no definition leaves a lot of questions and few answers available from this side of the screen.

My suggestion, try the read this first Pinned enty in the MailHost Configuration Foum section, and provide all the "real" and "specific" data to Don, just as suggested/requested there. Feedback as to what the real answer ends up being (specifically the "multiple Domains pointing to the same server" situation) would be appreciated by all, to include possible future users that find themselves in the same boat.

And yes, I moved this Topic/Discussion to the MailHost Configuration Forum section.

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Yes - but that didn't give me any clues that mailhost config might be to blame. To get the info necessary to make my edit, I had to root around elsewhere.

However, I'm now fairly sure that my mailhost config is to blame - but I don't know what I have to do to correct this: hence the question at the end of my post. Geoff

I thought about highlighting the 'add/edit your mailhost configuration' but thought that I was clear that it could be that.

The mailhost configuration is confusing to me. However, if you think that spamcop deals in IP addresses, it is a little bit easier to understand. IOW, all the email addresses you have still are sent through one mail server and that mail server has an IP address. That's all the mailhost configuration wants to know. OTOH, larger email services have more than one mail server. Hotmail and yahoo configurations come up with dozens of mail servers (and thus, IP addresses), I believe, so if you register a hotmail account, your mailhost configuration has this huge number of server names.

In this case, it looks to me as if there has been an additional computer added to the mix. That happens when ISPs add a computer to filter spam, for instance, before sending it to the computer that 'receives' it. (and since I am not literate about email servers, I probably am describing it incorrectly) If that is what has happened here, then if you add/edit your mailhost with the current headers, it will recognize that there is more than one IP address that handles mail at your host. At least, that's the way I understand it.

But, as I said before, there may be something else happening that I wouldn't recognize and, as Wazoo says, perhaps only something that someone behind the scenes would be able to recognize.

If you do find out what was the problem, especially if it has to do with your 'multiple domains' - others with the same problem would like to know the solution.

Miss Betsy

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  • 3 months later...

Hi. I just joined up today and am having a similar problem. It worked beautifully until I tried to configure my mailhost. i think i put all the data in correctly and I received and email which I then verified but since then I have unable to report spam manually. I'd really appreciate if someone could help here I unfortunately don't have any data to show you.

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i think i put all the data in correctly and I received and email which I then verified but since then I have unable to report spam manually. I'd really appreciate if someone could help here I unfortunately don't have any data to show you.

Lots of folks here that would be willing to try to help, but your "no data" sure puts a stop to that. Although having to complain that the Topic-starting poster never bothered to come back and explain what his/her solution might have been, there is certainly enough discussion material within this Topic to identify a number of things needed for anyone here to jump in, most definitely the Tracking URL as the starting point. Or of course, follow the repeated note of reading the Pinned Read this first Post and follow-up via that route.

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What happens now when you try to report spam manually? (for the record, generally, 'manually' means sending an email to an abuse address outside of spamcop reporting so perhaps you had better also explain what you mean by 'manually')

Are you reporting from a spamcop email account or are you a 'reporting only' (free or paid) reporter?

Are you submitting your reports via 'forward as attachment' or via the website? What email application are you using (Outlook, Outlook Express, WindowsLive, Thunderbird)?

If you received an email from spamcop about mailhost configuration and verified it, your problem may not have anything to do with mailhosts. Were you able to report before you configured mailhosts?

So, you see there is a little bit of data that you give us that would help us help you.

Miss Betsy

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