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[Resolved] Fast Reply Suggestion


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click, click, click . done.

no notification, no smilies, no signature.

Asked as a question, meant as a suggestion to fix if necessary ... is the address you put in there valid and read? A number of other ISPs don't allow the use of that type of role account for hosted sites.

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Please disable the automatic enabling of Enable email notification of replies when using quick reply.

Recovering from a week-end of a bit of overhaul, maintenance, and repair of some ancient hit-or-miss farm engines, playing catch-up on several fronts, I'm thinking that you mean the default check in the e-mail response box on the fast-reply screen of this application ..????

There are numerous postings over in the IPB support Forum that mention tne "fast-reply bug" .. yet I have yet to find "the" post that actually identifies "the bug" .. I have noticed that many of the complainants (user complaints of being inundated by e-mail) have also modified the 'skin' of their Forums, so I'm more going that the new skin had some items edited out of the displayed screens, including this checkbox, thus users had no clue that by using the fast-reply function, they were signing themselves up for all this new e-mail.

That said, I'll have to root around and see if I have access to this particular set of screens/functions. Based on the number of posts I edit to remove the massive amount of unneeded over-quoting, I'm not sure how many folks actually use the fast-reply button.

On the other hand, if I guessed wrong at what you were talking about, apologies ...

Curiously, spent the last hour or so working on a request from someone "over there" that wants to mandatorially sign all users up for e-mails on each and every post in the entire Forum (has already had many folks chime in and advise against this) but his/her current bitch is that no one has chimed in to tell him/her how to do it. Have found some "table" entries that look promising <g>

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It's like this .. I can kill the defaulted checked box ... however, there's another variable in the mix that I don't know he use of. (Perhaps this is "the bug"?) I suspect the result of killing this other variable (based on what I'm guessing it does) would remove all capability of adding the e-mail notification from this screen (yeah, I know, exactly what you asked <g>)

On one hand, version 2.1 is allegedly going to be released before June and I believe JT's subscription/purchase will cover this timeframe for an upgrade (so expect a lot of issues <g>)

On the other hand, if you want to escalate this, support <at> spamcop.net will get to JT. (Maybe refer him directly to this Topic) Data I'm referring to is under;

ACP | Skins & Templates | Skin Manager | IPB Default Skin | Topic View | quick_reply_box_open

Code section is;

&lt;if="ipb.member['auto_track'] != """&gt;
&lt;input type="checkbox" name="enabletrack" value="1" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /&gt; {ipb.lang['qr_add_email']} |
&lt;input type="checkbox" name="enabletrack" value="1" class="checkbox" /&gt; {ipb.lang['qr_add_email']} |

Killer question is where the 'value="1"' ends up. I'm guessing that it ends up being shoved into the 'members' table under the 'auto_track' field ...???? I'm going to leave it up to you. This isn't the only thing I've been doing (as said above, even working this from the other end from another IPB user query "over there" ... have answered a number of other queries "over there" also requiring a bit of research 'here' ...) but, I started this about about 5 hours ago .... and my queries seem to go unanswered over there (apparently because I don't ask easy questions ???)

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Just a bit of FYI .. a recent entry into a Bug-Report Forum at IPB (note the lack of IPB staff jumping right in on this yet again) - (registration requred and even then you may not be able to visit the links .. just there for my future use of keeping updated)

Invision Power Services _ Invision Power Board Bug Reports _ Topic Reply Notification Bug


Posted by: AtariAge Apr 14 2005, 08:41 PM

I just started running IPB a few days ago, and have run into an issue with the "Topic Reply Notification" system. If you look in the lang_email_content file and specifically the "subs_no_post" or "subs_with_post" fields, it states,

"There may be more replies to this topic, but only 1 email is sent per board visit for each subscribed topic. This is to limit the amount of mail that is sent to your inbox."

However, this has not been my experience or the experience with users on my forum, who are complaining they are getting emails every time there is a response. I looked through the code in sources/post.php in the function topic_tracker() and it that it only checks two things:

1) If the topic notification is set to "immediate", the email is sent.

2) If the topic notification is set to "delayed", then the member's "last_activity" field is compared to the topic's "last_post" time. If the user's last activity is prior to the last_post time, the message is sent.

I also looked in the "tracker" table in the database and see that the "last_sent" field is not being set (nor could I find anywhere in the code where it's being set, either).

Is this a feature that was intended, but never finished? At the very least, the language text should be changed to reflect how the topic tracking actually works. However, I think this should actually be changed so that users can elect to either receive only a single email for each topic they are subscribed to, or receive an email for each response (which is how it works now). That would be ideal.

Can someone at IPB please confirm that the behavior I am seeing (and investigated) is correct?



Posted by: Wazoo Apr 14 2005, 09:51 PM

And for the flip side, see http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=166988 (who was also pointed back to 'here' <g>)

But it also seems to me that there is a "patch" offered up in the main support Forum for this deluge of notifications ...

Posted by: AtariAge Apr 14 2005, 10:05 PM

Do you know where this patch is? I'd very much like to take a look at it. I will take a look to see if I can find it myself, but that's not always easy.



Posted by: Wazoo Today, 01:58 PM

Not sure if this feeds into the issue or not, but was looking at some of the same field data myself (wishing I could see the application files involved, noting that you've suggested that the answers aren't there either) ... but a discussion at http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3965 may or may not add something? The patch you ask for .. no idea where it'd be hiding, I have this memory problem in that I remember too much sometimes, not enough at other times <g> ... I'm not even sure what "the fast-reply bug" actually is ... it just keeps being referred to by others (back to that issue of not being able to search for a 3-letter word .. will try something else later on perhaps)

Posted by: AtariAge Today, 03:05 PM

I received a response from IPB support that confirms my investigation of the behavior I described for "Topic Reply" notification. You will receive an email each time someone responds to a topic you have subscribed to. I was told that this behavior may be changed in a future release. If it's not updated in 2.1, I may attempt to change this behavior myself.

The "Topic Reply" checkbox issue isn't really related to this, except that if it's set to On by default, obviously many users will be receiving these emails.

Now, as for the three-letter word issue, I'm having problems with that on my forum as well, but I haven't investigated it yet. Will have to do some searching on these forums to see what threads I can find out about it. I have set the minimum search term to three characters, but I'm getting complaints from users that searches for three-character words are returning no results.


Posted by: Wazoo Today, 04:39 PM

3-letter limit is a SQL thing. If your site is being indexed by Google (for instance) I find that it's easier to search that way.

And another conversation in another Forum;


Invision Power Services _ Invision Power Board Feature Suggestions _ email notification of subscribed topics

Posted by: ling2 Apr 13 2005, 10:52 PM

I use IPB v2.0.3 as a member (not as an admin) in a forum and have a question about email notification.

I've enabled "Email Notification" by default and choose "Immediate Email Notification" in my control panel. Therefore I receive a notification when someone replies in a topic I've subscribed. My question is:

While I stay away from the board, am I still supposed to keep receiving other notifications whenever someone replies in the topic after the first reply is made and the notification of it is sent to me?

Immediate Email Notification is defined as the following:

This will email you immediately after a new topic has been made (forum subscription) or reply has been made (topic subscription). This will send an email regardless of activity and it will send multiple emails if there are multiple replies.

According to the definition above, it seems to me that I'm supposed to keep receiving other notifications whenever someone replies. However, the email notification sent to me says:

There may be more replies to this topic, but only 1 email is sent per board visit for each subscribed topic. This is to limit the amount of mail that is sent to your inbox.

According to the notification above, unless I visit the board again, I'm not supposed to receive any more notification after that of the first reply is sent to me.

Although an admin in the forum I belong to insists a notification is sent each new reply regardless of whether I visit the board again or not, I don't think so and am quite sure that the forum didn't send so many notifications until a few days ago. I'd like to know how IPB is supposed to act in this case. Thank you for your reply in advance.

Posted by: Wazoo Apr 14 2005, 02:28 AM

As I understand it, you get one notification of a 'new' post. Anything after that isn't going to send any other notification, as you have already been notified that there is new content existing.

Posted by: ling2 Apr 14 2005, 01:45 PM

Thanks a lot for your quick and clear answer, Wazoo! I will talk about this with the admin and ask them to fix it again.

Posted by: Wazoo Apr 14 2005, 09:49 PM

The catch is, there is an alternative problem <g> ... See http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=167044 .... ?????

Posted by: ling2 Apr 14 2005, 11:32 PM

Wazoo, I appreciate your providing more information. I thought we should have merged this topic into the topic you showed above, but I don't have the permission to reply in that topic. I'll watch the topic but post here when I need to.

I've told the admin in the forum I belong to that there seems to be a patch to fix the problem. I would be grateful if you would tell me where it is in this topic or the other topic. Thanks again!

Posted by: AtariAge Apr 15 2005, 12:31 AM

I wrote the other topic that Wazoo linked to. As of yet I do not have a patch to fix this problem, I'm hoping to get acknowledgment from IPB about how it's supposed to work, since the language files are not consistent with the way it appears to be operating. I do hope it can be changed, though.


Posted by: ling2 Apr 15 2005, 01:06 AM

Hello, Al! I read the topic you'd started. Thank you for providing more details on this problem.

I think no more notification is supposed to be sent after the first one has been sent, because sending a notification per reply increases the server load and results in too many emails in the users' inbox, and also because other forum applications such as phpBB or SMF send only the first notification and many people, I guess, are used to that way.

I'm tracking the topic you've started although I'm not allowed to reply over there. As well as you, I hope, as soon as possible, we can find out where the patch is or that we can get to know how IPB is supposed to act. I hope, too, that the behavior can be changed if IPB is supposed to act as we see it do right now.

Thanks for joining us in this topic, Al!

Posted by: smor Today, 01:04 PM

I am having this same problem.

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How about now?

ACP | Skins & Templates | Skin Manager | IPB Default Skin | Topic View | quick_reply_box_open

Old code;

<if="ipb.member['auto_track'] != """>

<input type="checkbox" name="enabletrack" value="1" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /> {ipb.lang['qr_add_email']} |



<input type="checkbox" name="enabletrack" value="1" class="checkbox" /> {ipb.lang['qr_add_email']} |


New code;

<if="ipb.member['auto_track'] == "" or ipb.member['auto_track'] == '0'">

<input type="checkbox" name="enabletrack" value="1" class="checkbox" /> {ipb.lang['qr_add_email']} |



<input type="checkbox" name="enabletrack" value="1" class="checkbox" checked="checked"/> {ipb.lang['qr_add_email']} |


Later Note: after checking and wondering why it seemed to make no difference, remembered that I had to rebuild the cached skin data .... found that option, clicked the button, watched the scrolling results, found another Topic to play with, and at this point, I'd say that this issue has been successfully resolved!

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How about now?


Later Note: after checking and wondering why it seemed to make no difference, remembered that I had to rebuild the cached skin data .... found that option, clicked the button, watched the scrolling results, found another Topic to play with, and at this point, I'd say that this issue has been successfully resolved!


...Haven't confirmed this by trying it but (even if it isn't fixed) thank you!!!!!
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A bit funny, after 'fixing' it here (as far as I can tell nothing else got screwed up anyway) ... the follow up "over there" ends up being a bit mixed <g>

Posted by: AtariAge Apr 20 2005, 02:54 PM

I have received confirmation from IPB that the behavior I described in the thread I started is indeed the "correct" behavior. I was told that this may be changed in a future release. If this behavior is not changed in 2.1 (Matt?), then I may try fixing it myself.


Posted by: ling2 Apr 21 2005, 04:14 PM

Thank you, guys. It is a big development to have made sure IPB's behavior we're discussing is the way it's supposed to do. I hope that in near future IPB will be modified to give users two choices of receiving an email per topic and per post.

I was told in the forum I belonged to that there weren't many people subscribing to some topics and using email notification on them and that what I thought of as a problem wasn't really a problem. I don't expect the admins there to do anything with this.

However, I appreciate Wazoo and AtariAge's investigation and information. Hope you guys will keep doing good jobs in your own forums.

Posted by: Wazoo Apr 22 2005, 12:30 AM

(ling2 [at] Apr 21 2005, 04:14 PM)

However, I appreciate Wazoo and AtariAge's investigation and information. Hope you guys will keep doing good jobs in your own forums.

Heh! Thanks for the good thoughts. Some days I'm a good guy, some days it's just amazing the amount of discord that appears due to my attitude, unhelpfullness, ego, etc. <g> ... anyway, for another version of part of this issue (which does include data found here) see http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3965

Posted by: ling2 Apr 26 2005, 01:09 PM

Hello again, Wazoo! I read your reply just now as I hadn't been online for a few days. Before I got offline, I read the topic in another forum you showed above. You fixed part of the problem concerning the fast reply function and its email notification. That is great! I think the code you modified and showed in the topic there will be good reference to those who are trying to repair the similar kinds of problems including that we've been talking about here.

(Wazoo [at] Apr 22 2005, 12:30 AM)

Heh! Thanks for the good thoughts. Some days I'm a good guy, some days it's just amazing the amount of discord that appears due to my attitude, unhelpfullness, ego, etc. <g> ...

Well, I understand what you're saying, but you've been a good guy to me since I posted here. Because you seem to always try to understand other people's situations and willingly share information with others, I've been able to get to know what I should know and felt free to post what I think. Nobody can fix all problems, which sometimes gets you in trouble, but please don't forget you've definitely been a good guy to some people including me.

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