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SC Popgate effected by June30 cutoff of hotmail?

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I notice that Microsoft are finally cutting off Hotmail access from OE and wondered if this is going to effect the way that we can have SC filter Hotmail/Windows Live Mail via the popgate method?

Source: Neowin.net

I wasn't sure whether or not to post this here or in the Mail forum....I'm sure you guys will move it accordingly.

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I don't know what 'popgate' means and I don't have a SC email account, but I do have several Hotmail accounts that were grandfathered in being popped (or whatever) to OE. I downloaded the Windows Live application and it works pretty much like OE did and includes my ISP account and my Hotmail account that wasn't grandfathered. So I don't think that there should be a problem for Hotmail users - in fact, it should make it easier since you can view the Message Source which I could never figure out how to do in the Hotmail/webmail.

Miss Betsy

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I wasn't sure whether or not to post this here or in the Mail forum....I'm sure you guys will move it accordingly.

This doesn't really have a direct releationship to problems with "SpamCop Reporting" ... but does relate to a SpamCop.net e-mail account issues .... so moving this to the SpamCop Email System & Accounts Forum section with this post.

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I guess there is no need for concern. I don't really understand whether you are using spamcop to pop your email from Hotmail and then reading it with OE or whether you are popping Hotmail to OE and then forwarding it to spamcop. If you pop it to your spamcop account, it might not be a bad idea to alert JT to your concerns since the new Hotmail may work differently with spamcop . If you are popping it from Hotmail, then you need to get the Windows Live program. I would expect that OE will work the same as always with email accounts that are not from Hotmail. At least no one has emailed me from Microsoft about a need for a change on those non-Hotmail email accounts using OE. And there my technical expertise ends!

Miss Betsy

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SC pops my hotmail account, then I pop it into my email client here.

I think everything is going to keep on working just as it always has.

I'm going to adopt a wait and see approach.

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