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Another parsing problem


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I'm getting another parsing problem. These are starting to get annoying since

so much of my spam refuses to process in SpamCop.

This time the parser is complaining that I'm not giving it the full headers but

I'm absolutely positive I am. I'm using the same method to report spam every

time but on only one several spams is it complaining.

It's unfortunately a long, ubly message with a lot of broken HTML and ugly

quoted printables. But here's the header in case that's what is giving the

parser indigestion:

From twlaz[at]hotmail.com  Sat Apr 17 01:54:09 2004
Received: from ua-213-115-84-249.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se (ua-213-115-84-249.cust.bredbandsbolaget.s
e [])
        by REMOVEDMYSERVER (8.12.11/8.12.10) with SMTP id i3H7s21W002710
        for <REMOVEDMYEMAIL>; Sat, 17 Apr 2004 01:54:03 -0600 (MDT)
Received: from by; Sat, 17 Apr 2004 12:51:05 +0400
From: "Monte Brand" <twlaz[at]hotmail.com>
Reply-To: "Monte Brand" <twlaz[at]hotmail.com>
Subject: Fw: New health data just in..
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 02:54:05 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 1
Status: R

(REMOVEDMYSERVER and REMOVEDMYEMAIL were my hostname and email address respectively.)

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I'm getting another parsing problem.  These are starting to get annoying since

so much of my spam refuses to process in SpamCop.

This time the parser is complaining that I'm not giving it the full headers but

I'm absolutely positive I am.  I'm using the same method to report spam every

time but on only one several spams is it complaining.

It's unfortunately a long, ubly message with a lot of broken HTML and ugly

quoted printables.  But here's the header in case that's what is giving the

parser indigestion:

[snip code]

The parser doesn't seem to have any problems parsing the headers, however what you posted contains two apparent errors, a blank line at the beginning of the headers and a badly wrapped Received header were corrected by me before I parsed the headers.

· http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z424750899z46...76e0ec5e3dd0dfz

If the apparent errors are caused by the way you posted the headers (not present in the original parsing) then I don't have an explanation, but if either IS present in your submission then it/they are the cause of the problem.

I'd suggest trying to submit the spam again and if it fails then cancel the submission and post the tracking URL so that others can see exactly what the parser outputs. The parser should munge your email address but you may want to check the tracking URL before posting it to make sure anything you don't want made public remains private.

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Yeah, I think you're right. Somehow I must have inserted a return between "s" and "e" in the headers because it works fine when I try it right now. What is strange is that I tried two times before I posted so I must have made the same mistake twice. The starting blank line is just due to phpBB formatting.

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