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Curious about an Odd spam


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Received an email aim/netscape/aol thought was spam and sent to my spam folder. The header is so short that nothing can be reported and I'm wondering how this email even got to me with an incomplete header with no IP address? Is it indicative of the end of the world where Polish spammers can send mail with no means to trace or have spamcop do it's thing?

If I hit reply, the "TO" column is blank! :huh:

Anywho, I'm just curious about this one.

Received: from venus.jpe.com.pl (venus.jpe.com.pl [])

by mtain-de07.r1000.mx.aol.com (Internet Inbound) with SMTP id DC89E38000294

for <xxxxxxx[at]netscape.net>; Fri, 11 Feb 2011 04:48:45 -0500 (EST)

x-aol-global-disposition: S

X-AOL-SCOLL-SCORE: 0:5:29431756:93952408



x-aol-sid: 3039ac1d40cf4d5505fd2df8


X-AOL-SPF: domain : domain.com SPF : fail


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...Received: from venus.jpe.com.pl (venus.jpe.com.pl [])
That address seems to be in the middle of a spam run at the moment and SC spam traps have detected it. Who knows, that mangled bit of message may be all that it is sending ... if so the "payload"
B6 AC 00 01

doesn't seem to be much of a threat to the function and security of the internet.

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Received an email aim/netscape/aol thought was spam and sent to my spam folder. The header is so short that nothing can be reported and I'm wondering how this email even got to me with an incomplete header with no IP address?


...Sounds like something that might have happened if the spam originated from someone else on your e-mail provider's network.
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Received: from venus.jpe.com.pl (venus.jpe.com.pl [])


have it listed also (usually means it's INFECTED BY a Trojan)

For "blank emails" you can report them by hitting "ENTER" twice below headers and adding


This will have SpamCop try to contact owner of email server

You may wish to add postmaster[at][]

No one at abuse seems to be at home for SpamCop to list it.

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