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spam Submission By Email - Returns ERROR

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Hi....first time here...

In an effort to save some time, I have tried to forward spam using my unique "SUBMIT" address given by spamcop.net. Every time I do this, it is returned "with errors" (no explanation of errors, though).

SEEMS easy enough, but perhaps I am doing something wrong.

Any help / suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



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Hi Andy,

Sounds like the sort of thing that happens when you submit your spam "inline" instead of as an attachment.

If that's not enough to go on (or isn't applicable), try using the search box at the top of these forum pages - the phrase "with errors" as a search term - or any other unique phrase from the messages/results you are seeing - might help point you to previous discussions which could contain the answer (ones prefaced "Resolved" are probably your best bet). If that helps, coming back with the solution would be appreciated. If it doesn't help, a Tracking URL in your next post will help home in on the precise problem.

Looking forward to hearing more from you, whichever result.


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The error email tells the whole tale. It shows you exactly what you submitted.

If you will EMAIL a copy of the error email to me, I will be happy to explain.

EMAIL IT to me at: service[at]spamcop.net

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- service[at]admin.spamcop.net -


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Thanks for the input, guys...

I think in the interim I figured out what I wasn't doing.

I was forwarding the spam AS IS. When I added the email headers, THAT took - was sent a link for each to complete the spam submission at the website.

Does that sound about right?


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I was forwarding the spam AS IS. When I added the email headers, THAT took - was sent a link for each to complete the spam submission at the website.

Does that sound about right?

Not sure. The "added headers" needs some kind of definition.

At this time, I'm of the thought that OE6 Secure handling of e-mail, Why Forward won't work might be worth a look, even with the assumption that OE6 isn't the e-mail client in question. There is a whole section on "how to ..."" stuff in the single-page-access-expanded version of the SpamCop FAQ and the SpamCop Wiki both found via links at the top of this page.

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...I was forwarding the spam AS IS. When I added the email headers, THAT took - was sent a link for each to complete the spam submission at the website. ...
Yes, you need the full unaltered headers to be present in the forwarded spam attachments - not just the abridged version(s) showing in the typical email client. Even "full" or "all" headers viewed when reading the email are typically incomplete and/or in "adjusted" order - and you don't really want to be reading spam (there can be web bugs or worse in them).

Subject to Wazoo's pointers about sources of additional guidance/information - which run through those headers and safety/security considerations and more - and Don's offer to have a look, you could well have it sorted out. But it isn't yet certain from the public information.

Why don't you post a tracking URL for us to look at (or email one to Don if you would prefer to keep it out of public gaze at this stage)? Don's kind offer initially to what amounts to/could end up as a tutorial isn't to be sneezed at IMO - he knows about all that can be known about it and, as a SC staff member, has all necessary access and facilities.

But to assist others starting in the same boat as yourself, it would be great if you could keep us appraised of your progress whichever way you proceed.

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But to assist others starting in the same boat as yourself, it would be great if you could keep us appraised of your progress whichever way you proceed.

Thanks...I will do that later on today. What's happening is that the majority (not all, but about 70% or so) of the forwarded spam I submit show "NO HEADER ID / INCOMPLETE HEADERS" when I click the link from the email sent to me that it was accepted. I can't see any difference from the ones that go through submission fine vs. the ones that don't, so I will post here as soon as it happens again - which should be very shortly today.


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So, as an example, here's one I just got...

I copy / pasted the full email headers on top of the actual spam email and forwarded / submitted to SPAMCOP...

Return-Path: ret[at]www.ashleysfashionsecret.com

Received: from imta23.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net (LHLO

imta23.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net) ( by

sz0025.ev.mail.comcast.net with LMTP; Mon, 11 Jul 2011 21:28:39 +0000 (UTC)

Received: from www.ashleysfashionsecret.com ([])

by imta23.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net with comcast

id 6lUe1h00Z1yZV4w0PlUeUQ; Mon, 11 Jul 2011 21:28:39 +0000

X-CAA-spam: N00001

X-Authority-Analysis: v=1.1 cv=XG/k/Dkt65JxF1ZNuzouG+AzS4zNgnh7fMG/KQ+1uck=

c=1 sm=1 p=XBYGAszd9srXQiJuRkQA:7 a=tADonvyenEQA:10 a=8nJEP1OIZ-IA:10

a=R8sxsySJPOZD/5ZTaJpe1A==:17 a=wrAQBVa3AAAA:8 a=cGyeCmTHrqA3Dt-aZvkA:9

a=wPNLvfGTeEIA:10 a=FL82hvIE71gA:10 a=2CYsyVApBEwA:10 a=6oSf6i-RPN4A:10

a=eih6FS46okYA:10 a=R8sxsySJPOZD/5ZTaJpe1A==:117

To: xxxxxxxx[at]comcast.net

Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 17:28:40 -0500

Message-ID: <1310419720.1617[at]www.ashleysfashionsecret.com>

X-Userid: xxxxxxxx[at]comcast.net

X-ID: az6376

X-Recipient: xxxxxxxx[at]comcast.net

X-www.ashleysfashionsecret.com-MsgID: az6376-op23

Subject: What Causes Cellulite?

From: "Cellulite Solutions" <jp.heard[at]www.ashleysfashionsecret.com>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"

(And BTW, I get TONS of these from jp.heard[at]www.ashleysfashionsecret.com - doesn't seem to be any way that I know to get these STOPPED - these and the Russian MAXGENTLEMEN ERECTION PILLS come constantly and daily)

Anyhow, after receiving the "HAS ACCEPTED 1 spam FOR SUBMISSION" email, I click the link to complete the submission, and this is what I get:

SpamCop v © 1992-2011 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Here is your TRACKING URL - it may be saved for future reference:


Skip to Reports

Return-Path: ret[at]www.ashleysfashionsecret.com

View entire message

Parsing header:

This header is incomplete. Please supply the full headers of the spam you're trying to report.

No source IP address found, cannot proceed.

Add/edit your mailhost configuration

Finding full email headers

Submitting spam via email (may work better)

Example: What spam headers should look like

No tracking information found in header:

Return-Path: ret[at]www.ashleysfashionsecret.com

Probably not full headers - see FAQ:

Email software FAQ

no header

...and it is no different from the other ones that submit that DO work.

A copy/paste from the "ACCEPTED" Spamcop email...


SpamCop is free. However, if you like the service please pay for it:


SpamCop is now ready to process your spam.

Use links to finish spam reporting (members use cookie-login please!):


The email which triggered this auto-response had the following headers:

Return-Path: <xxxxxxxx[at]comcast.net>

Received: from sc-smtp12.soma.ironport.com (sc-smtp12.soma.ironport.com [])

by prod-sc-app1.soma.ironport.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id D199B616409

for <submit.kk1vylgmzmrpob5i[at]spam.spamcop.net>; Mon, 11 Jul 2011 14:53:05 -0700 (PDT)

X-Fozzie-Original-To: submit.kk1vylgmzmrpob5i[at]spam.spamcop.net

Received: from qmta07.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net ([])

by vmx2.spamcop.net with ESMTP; 11 Jul 2011 14:53:05 -0700

Received: from omta21.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net ([])

by qmta07.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net with comcast

id 6l1f1h0021u4NiLA7lt37X; Mon, 11 Jul 2011 21:53:03 +0000

Received: from xxxxxxxx ([])

by omta21.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net with comcast

id 6lsf1h01Y1pAnmF8hlsgFy; Mon, 11 Jul 2011 21:52:41 +0000

From: "xxxxxxxx" <xxxxxxxx[at]comcast.net>

To: <submit.kK1VYlGMzMrpoB5i[at]spam.spamcop.net>

Subject: FW: What Causes Cellulite?

Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 16:53:00 -0500

Message-ID: <008801cc4014$e7d52190$b77f64b0$[at]net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0

Thread-Index: AcxAEX/SBOE9rSsRQyan+ewxb7FumQAA09Uw


x-cr-puzzleid: {B6CAF615-1DA7-4B5B-9992-57E22BB41B42}

Content-Language: en-us"

So, any thoughts / suggestions?



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Hi, Andy,


I copy / pasted the full email headers on top of the actual spam email and forwarded / submitted to SPAMCOP...


...For future reference: please note that the headers that you included immediately following this part of your post (as well as further down in your post) were formatted in such a way as to make them almost impossible for us to use, because indentations are removed by most browsers and/ or the HTML rendering engine. Your inclusion (later) of the Tracking URL was sufficient. Thanks! :) <g>
Here is your TRACKING URL - it may be saved for future reference:



...Looking at this and clicking on the "View entire message" link that appears, it seems that somehow the header lines were interspersed with extra blank lines. The first blank line following the first header line tells the SpamCop parser that the header lines have ended and what follows is the body of the spam. Could you please review what you are actually sending to ensure that it is not you that is introducing the line feeds? For example, I often find that when I copy and paste I wind up with extraneous blank lines, whereas if I first paste into MS Notepad and remove all extraneous blank lines (if you do this, please be sure to leave a blank line between the headers and the first line of the body of the spam), then copy and paste, I get the right result. If not, then I would suggest you take up Don D'Minion's offer, above 78305[/snapback].
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I often find that when I copy and paste I wind up with extraneous blank lines, whereas if I first paste into MS Notepad and remove all extraneous blank lines (if you do this, please be sure to leave a blank line between the headers and the first line of the body of the spam), then copy and paste, I get the right result. If not, then I would suggest you take up Don D'Minion's offer, above 78305[/snapback].

Thanks, Steve! I will try this and certainly post back after a bit. And If this doesn't do it, I will take Don't offer from above.


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