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Changing greylisting setting w/fewer steps


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Refer to the previous topic for my reasoning behind wanting to disable/re-enable greylisting option frequently/quickly.

I had to laugh, because I ran into the 30 second forum flood prevention thing, went downstairs for a cup of tea or something, and completely forgot about creating this topic. Yes, I know I've got the attention span of a dog in a forest full of squirrels... but it just shows why I so desperately want to change the way greylisting is done here...

I suggest a second method for disabling greylisting be provided. If this were combined with the temporary disable method described previously, that would be even better.

For folks like me who POP their mail off Spamcop, the process of getting in to disable greylisting is a bit cumbersome. I've got to log in to Spamcop webmail (which means I've got to log in to my password manager in my case, since I don't make a point of typing the spamcop password in myself.) Drill down in to the correct page in the options to change the setting, then submit the change.

Complete the registration in email and on web, then go back and re-enable greylisting.

I would love it if Spamcop would let me change the Greylisting setting for my account using either a single single Spamcop URL, with no password required, or allowed me to send a special email to a special spamcop address.

Not to restrict you, but I suspect one of the ways this might be done would be to have spamcop generate a special hash code associated ONLY with my account. Once in hand, I would either book mark a URL like http://spamcop.net/greylist/MY-HASH-CODE, or I would send a canned email to an address like greylisting[at]spamcop.net with the hash code in the subject, or an email to MY-HASH-CODE[at]spamcop.net.

The hash would be in a sparsely populated number space that a bad guy would not have much luck carpet-bombing, but it would uniquely identify my account.

I'm not sure which of these methods would be easier to implement. The URL one somehow seems more elegant.

Thanks for your consideration!


PS, If I had to pick between this suggestion and the last, the first one would get my vote. I CAN and have bookmarked the preferences page, and inserted the password into my browser's password gizmo. It still requires a login, but its not THAT big a deal. On the other hand, I don't see my attention span getting any better! :-)

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