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I have successfully registered my two mailhosts. However, there is a minor problem, noted in each of the processed spams: my ISP uses a different domain to process its incoming email. Here is the top of a typical header:

Received: from hotmail.com (bay8-dav52.bay8.hotmail.com [])

by host22.the-web-host.com (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id i43LTXA4030034

for <work[at]cqs.com>; Mon, 3 May 2004 17:29:33 -0400

My domain (which is a server within their domain) is cqs.com and their incoming email server is the-web-host.com. Should I just register this latter domain as one of my email hosts?


Jonathan Campbell

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      I have successfully registered my two mailhosts. However, there is a minor problem, noted in each of the processed spams: my ISP uses a different domain to process its incoming email. Here is the top of a typical header:

Received: from hotmail.com (bay8-dav52.bay8.hotmail.com [])

by host22.the-web-host.com (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id i43LTXA4030034

for <work[at]cqs.com>; Mon, 3 May 2004 17:29:33 -0400

My domain (which is a server within their domain) is cqs.com and their incoming email server is the-web-host.com. Should I just register this latter domain as one of my email hosts?


Jonathan Campbell

The best way to determine this is to register what you think needs registration, parse an email or a spam received at your domain, look at the parse output and then see what the parse says. Send the tracking url from the top of the parse along with your registered SC address to us (see sig) to look at. I can't tell from the snippet below and I can't tell by just looking at your headers. The tracking URL and your registered email address lets us look at your hosts and the parse at the same time and see what influence any changes we make has on the parse.

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