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My mail is back, is yours?

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My inbox was empty this morning when I logged in. I sent a support request, and it suddenly my incoming messages reappeared a few minutes later. I checked this forum, and it looks like a few of you had similar problems.

We all know by now that fixing what's wrong is the top priority here, and informing the customer is way, way down on the priority list. I can deal with that, since most issues I've had get dealt with promptly.

My inbox has been displaying as empty a couple times now, but at the moment it's normal (50 some messages).

If it's a hardware problem, I'd be willing to accept somewhat higher rates if it meant more reliable service. How's it going for you?

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Still empty here--over 700 messages missing, but for months, I've been having backup messages forwarded to another mailbox as a backup because of the HORRIBLY UNRELIABLE CESMAIL SYSTEM!!!! WTF?????


...and just as mysteriously, my messages are back, but no indication whatsoever that the folks in Georgia were involved or even have a clue that there are problems again. If they did, they'd take 30 seconds to post quick tweet.


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Although my INBOX is no longer empty (most of the time), I'm not receiving new email messages, nor is my wife in her account. There's been no sign of any response from the administrator(s) to this problem, hours later. This isn't any way to run a service, IMHO.


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