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quick reporting

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Is it correct that the quick reporting feature is removed? Now all my mailhosts are set-up 100% correctly and I would like to lower the work involved in reporting I can't seem to find the quick reporting feature anymore...

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I am not 100% sure about this, but I think you have to apply to service <at> admin.spamcop.net to use quick reporting. If your reporting history is accurate and there are no problems with the mailhost, then they will turn on quick reporting for you.

Miss Betsy

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Is it correct that the quick reporting feature is removed? Now all my mailhosts are set-up 100% correctly and I would like to lower the work involved in reporting I can't seem to find the quick reporting feature anymore...

Once you have checked your parses for a few days and know that everything is OK I can turn that back on for you. I know I should have your registered S email address memorized by now but I don't. Drop me a line and I will turn it back on.

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a 'parse' is the output from the spamcop software. It is what you get in the report email from quick reporting and what you get to approve (if you have checked technical details) when you submit a spam via the web page. It shows you why spamcop chose certain abuse addresses.

Miss Betsy

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