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Our whole ip range is listed as sending to a spamtrap


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I have checked the email address, sent from our servers with no response back, I then saw if the servers are listed it wont work, I then used my gmail account, with no luck either, and the howtogetout link and website are all offline. Our whole ip range is listed as sending to a spamtrap, but 50% of the addresses are not used and all the servers on the ip range cannot send out mails, only the mail servers can, so I cannot understand why the whole range is listed either, and we have had this range for 10years now as well. Please advise what has to be done to be removed from this list.


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Without an IP address or IP range it is hard for anyone here to see what is going on in your case or provide any advice.

If the IP addresses have stopped sending email to spam traps, the IP address should come off the SCBL automatically within 24 hours.

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