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#$@!!@#@ "Delete All" function


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Actually, for about the 4th time in the past year or so, I have again clicked the Select All (actually unlabelled) checkbox in the header of my Inbox and blithely clicked "Delete" and lo, my Inbox flushed itself.

Now, I think that's a useful feature, but I will reiterate that it's really lousy UI design!

Checking that box should trigger a confirmation dialog on the next action you request (such as Delete).

Fortunately, I was able to retrieve my flushed messages from the septic tank (aka Trash folder), but it took some effort to find them amongst the rest of the goop.


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In all fairness, I just moved another user's post from Help to the Lounge, based on the post being a "new feature request" .. and this post is in the same vein ... so am also moving it to the Lounge for now .... again, I haven't seen or heard anything from JT in quite a while about the restructuring of these Forums (see http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1672 ) so the Lounge is the defacto place for this stuff for now .... and I'll also state that I don't have a clue as to whther what you're requesting is a Horde function or something else scripted up .. so I don't have a clue as to what the likelihood of a change might be ... not sure what's been keeping JT so busy, but I'm way behind on getting answers from previous queries, so not sure if sending in more e-mail will help ... if you want to try ... support <at> spamcop.net ...

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Checking that box should trigger a confirmation dialog on the next action you request (such as Delete).

I am afraid that there are other people, including myself that would disagree with that statement, and would find having to acknowledge get another box to be redundant. If the deletion was permanent (no way to recover) then I would agree that the confirmation box would be important. But as it is (and as you have stated) the messages are not actually deleted but simply moved to the trash folder.

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Checking that box should trigger a confirmation dialog on the next action you request (such as Delete).

I am afraid that there are other people, including myself that would disagree with that statement, and would find having to acknowledge get another box to be redundant. If the deletion was permanent (no way to recover) then I would agree that the confirmation box would be important. But as it is (and as you have stated) the messages are not actually deleted but simply moved to the trash folder.

Well, it isn't permanent, but it's extremely time-consuming to get them back.

And I'm not saying there should be a confirmation for deleting a single item, or even a number of items that you checked individually... just if you clicked the "select all" box and then the Delete link.

Another solution is to put the "Select All" function somewhere else. The ergonomic nature of the UI problem is that it's extremely easy to pick the wrong box when you mean to select the top message... and you end up deleting everything. If you have a habit of going click-click (that fast) to delete a message, then you can delete everything before it registers that you clicked the wrong box.

Another solution is to turn off the option that moves deleted messages to the trash folder. Then they stay in their original folder until you Purge them. I guess I'll switch to this method.

(P.S. -Wazoo, I'd bet this is a Horde feature, not Spamcop's, so I guess it's meaningless to suggest a change here...]

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As I have mentioned, possibly in response to one of your previous requests, I have 3 different webmail accounts using different software and all of them have a checkmark area just above the first message which does the select all. Some are labeled and some are not and I have yet to have a problem with any of them. It is a Standard UI design.

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