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Is there Another Method?


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In the last few years I was getting so little spam that I barely reported it anymore. Suddenly about 2 months ago, I started getting hammered with between 20-30 spams a day, all from the same system/individual. For the first month all links pointed to AmazonAWS. Now all links point to google with reports going to google-cloud-compliance. There's almost no tracing on the emails so all reports go to the devnull account. Is there any point in wasting my time reporting this crap? Are they really being hosted on Google or is this a mask? Is there a better way to track these idiots down? Is there something I can do in my reporting that makes them easier to trace? I just basically copy and paste the raw message. I'm tired of reporting the same 30 spams every single day and never seeing any kind of improvement in the situation. Happy to provide whatever other details might help with an answer.

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The probability that the number of spam sent from a source will decrease due to reporting is small.  The probability is zero due to reporting when the reports go to devnull.

All reporting does feed into the SCBL. However, you personally will not see any results unless your ISP uses the block list to filter your incoming email.  You do get karma points for your effort.

Without a Tracking URL it is not possible to know if your spam is 'really being hosted on Google.'

If your enter "Google" in the <Search> box on the top right of the screen (without the "") there are several other threads about hosting on/through google.


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