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Cookies and Javascript (was No help needed - right now)


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Nothing important here, just trying out a post. I am, in general, a fan of web forums as they can, if run properly, significantly increase the signal-to-noise ratio. I think there's a great potential for this with Spamcop. I run a web forum for my employer and help moderate others - two key advantages over newsgroups are the ability to have introductory/FAQ material presented in an obvious fashion, and the lack of redundancy in posts (you don't get fourteen people all replying with the same answer (or variants thereof).

I see this board uses cookies - are they required for use? I have no problems with same-site cookies, but there are others who would probably object. Does it work with java scri_pt disabled? If not, I guess we won't see Larry Kilgallen here...

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I see this board uses cookies - are they required for use?  I have no problems with same-site cookies, but there are others who would probably object.  Does it work with java scri_pt disabled?  If not, I guess we won't see Larry Kilgallen here...

At the top of the page, Help includes a description on cookies. It's the trackin of read/unread deal that seems most important.

On the other hand, the first few days, I was just closing out the browser window to quit. When hitting the link, I came back in "Logged in" Last night I actually did the Logout, left the screen in place, just that I wasn't an active "member" anymore.

Shut down the browser, spent all day today doing that support thing ... just pulled up the link to here, was amazed that there was no "new" traffic. Hard to believe, so went into a few areas and yes, there was new traffic ... Back to the top of screen and saw I needed to login in .. boom, all the right icons turned dark blue ...

java scri_pt isn't needed, that I can see, short of the smilie faces crap, which I don't think will bother Larry in the least <g> But, just for the record, Larry isn't here, so we shouldn't be talking about him <g>

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