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spam links hosted on https://storage.googleapis.com


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11 hours ago, HeatherReid43 said:

any idea how do take care of this and stop the spam source ?

Heather, I have been getting that and it is coming from all over amazon's ip ranges.  Google seems to have no interest, and neither does amazon.  I setup my email server to reject it and they still try to send it.  At this point, I am not sure there is a way to stop it without a firewall that can drop the tcp connection before it connects.  Right now, I am mainly feeding the blocking list, but the spammer changes to a new IP every few minutes, so blocking based on a single IP seems pointless.  If I hear of anything that works, then I can post it here.

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22 hours ago, HeatherReid43 said:

any idea how do take care of this and stop the spam source ?

You need to report to abuse[AT]amazonaws[DOT]com from Gmails WebPage

Click "Show original" on your gmail WebMail page.
you will see the IP that sent it to Gmail
SPF:    PASS with IP Learn more
Forward it to AmazonAWS paste the IP above the text you paste into forwarded message.

I paste this above headers and body text

Criminal phishing, bogus reply address, bogus unsubscribe (NEVER subscribed), DDoS 
Banned all Amazon and subsidiaries purchases because of inept AWS abuse responses to AmazonAWS DDoS multiple IP email attacks 

It looks to me Amazon should block port 25 to prevent viruses and spam tools managing to connect directly from infected machines through your NAT? All those who have access to your network need to scan for malware. If detected change password

injection  abuseXamazonawsXcom


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