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Why is the server blocked?


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I have shared hosting, and the host says it is for no reason, but the reports say that there have been reports. Who should receive these reports if there are reports? I check my postmaster account, and I have received no notifications from SpamCop reports, so it's most likely someone else sharing the server. How do I get my host to look at that?

My blocked IP

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Volume Statistics for this IP

Magnitude Vol Change vs. Average

Last day ........ 4.1 .. 384%

Last 30 days .. 3.9 .. 153%

Average ........ 3.5

Can these numbers be justified?

Parsing input:

host = mail20.intermedia.net (cached)

Routing details for

Report routing for support[at]intermedia.net

this is where reports would go, and as you link to, reports have in fact been sent by some SpamCop.net users.

There are samples of spam available in 'sightings' .. http://groups.google.com/groups?scoring=d&...9+group:*abuse*

There is a spam spew issue from this host, simple as that.

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I have shared hosting, and the host says it is for no reason, but the reports say that there have been reports. Who should receive these reports if there are reports? I check my postmaster account, and I have received no notifications from SpamCop reports, so it's most likely someone else sharing the server. How do I get my host to look at that?

My blocked IP

Thanks in advance for any help.


If you follow your link then take the more information link (that it appears you followed to see that reports were made), there is a Trace IP link toward the top that would tell you that reports are sent to: Report routing for support[at]intermedia.net

Something you would also see on that page if you were a paid reporter would be a [report history] link which shows a good assortment of spam, most of which were reported to the above address:


Submitted: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:18:40 PM -0500:



Submitted: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:48:24 AM -0500:



Submitted: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 12:39:09 PM -0500:

Winning notification


Submitted: Monday, November 14, 2005 2:01:05 PM -0500:

REF: ICL/4245678609/LMR


Submitted: Friday, November 04, 2005 8:54:34 PM -0500:

Your Account Will Be Suspended


Submitted: Friday, November 04, 2005 7:35:05 AM -0500:

Your Account Will Be Suspended


Submitted: Monday, September 19, 2005 12:21:38 AM -0400:

Representatives needed


Submitted: Saturday, September 17, 2005 8:38:23 PM -0400:

Representatives needed


Submitted: Saturday, September 17, 2005 2:41:02 PM -0400:

Representatives needed


Submitted: Saturday, September 17, 2005 12:44:17 PM -0400:

Representatives needed


Older Reports

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I don't know what volume you are speaking of, because those numbers don't mean much to me. Can you explain in more detail, please?


Follow a link to the SpamCop FAQ locate an entry titled SenderBase's "Magnitude" Explained ... maybe also try the Why am I Blocked? entry ...????

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I don't know what volume you are speaking of, because those numbers don't mean much to me. Can you explain in more detail, please?


Since you are using a shared host, shared mail server, you will not personally be able to make any sense out of the numbers.

But simply put,

In the last 30 days the email volume going out through your shared server more than double the historic average.

in the last day it is over 4 times the historic average.

Unless the increase can be justified based on a change in usage it would imply that a spammer has broken into the hen house when nobody was watching.

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I have shared hosting, and the host says it is for no reason, <snip>

How do I get my host to look at that?


Simple, tell them to get a clue or you will move to an ISP who does have one! You are not getting the service you are paying for because they are too clueless to act on the reports that they have received. It really is that simple. :)

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Since you are using a shared host, shared mail server, you will not personally be able to make any sense out of the numbers. But simply put, In the last 30 days the email volume going out through your shared server more than double the historic average. in the last day it is over 4 times the historic average. Unless the increase can be justified based on a change in usage it would imply that a spammer has broken into the hen house when nobody was watching.


The server was moved recently to a new location, so any transfer would be higher, I would assume. I think these are new IP addresses. I'm not positive about that though.

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The server was moved recently to a new location, so any transfer would be higher, I would assume. I think these are new IP addresses. I'm not positive about that though.



Technically, not new, but actual history isn't one this screen ..

Date of first message seen from this address 2005-03-26\

Volume Statistics for this IP

Magnitude Vol Change vs. Average

Last day ........ 3.4 .. -20%

Last 30 days .. 3.9 .. 156%

Average ........ 3.5

Based on the above and compared to the last data point, something is going on there .. hopefully it's the spam spew that's been reduced ...????

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There's got to be a better way to filter than just using blacklists. My host has told me it's not spam that is being reported, but regular emails that people are misreporting. If SpamCop is so automatic, there is no way to stop the process is someone is reporting emails as spam, even if they are not spam.

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There's got to be a better way to filter than just using blacklists.


...Not that anyone here know of but we're willling to listen to suggestions! :) <g>
My host has told me it's not spam that is being reported, but regular emails that people are misreporting. If SpamCop is so automatic, there is no way to stop the process is someone is reporting emails as spam, even if they are not spam.


...Well, it's not quite that automatic. But see (and perhaps refer your host folks to) FAQ entry I have been falsely and/or maliciously accused of spamming, what can I do?.
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There is no other effective way to control spam than blocklists. Other filters are much more worse because there is no way for the sender to know if his email has been caught by a filter. Other filters do nothing to make the *sender* be responsible for using responsible internet practices. They place all of the burden and cost on the completely innocent receiver.

Your host is not telling you the truth. Some ordinary email does get reported in error. However, generally it is not sufficient to trigger the blocklist. If it does, your host can contact the reporter and spamcop with proof that this was not unsolicited and the reporter will be suspended or fined.

And you can see the spam that people have posted here. It is not ordinary email.

Two people have advised you that you are using an unreliable, irresponsible, or possibly even incompetent host. SpamCop is not the only blocklist that is used by other administrators. It is not nearly as easy to get off other blocklists as it is the spamcop blocklist. You have been given an early warning that the IP address you are using is allowing spam to issue from it.

Miss Betsy

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There's got to be a better way to filter than just using blacklists.

If you come up with it, please share. The world awaits "the" solution.

My host has told me it's not spam that is being reported, but regular emails that people are misreporting.

Based on the Subject lines provided previously, I have a bit of a problem believing that anyone, especially an ISP, that would call phishing attempts just "plain old e-mail" ...????

If SpamCop is so automatic, there is no way to stop the process is someone is reporting emails as spam, even if they are not spam.


The FAQ here (there, and everywhere) includes penalties for bad reporting, the recipient ISP of these reports have links provided to "handle" the situation, whatever it is ... mark a spamvertised site as an innocent bystander, check a box that the issue is being handled or resolved, a page to hit to do an automatic de-list, a dispute form if there's a real issue with some bad reports, on and on ..... From the data existing thus far, your ISP has issues, end of story.

Your issue on blocking would suggest a visit to these same FAQ lists yourself ...

You send out a bunch of e-mails ... only some of those will hit a recipient ISP that is using the SpamCopDNSBL on their incoming .. only a subset of that grouping will bounce your e-mail (others will use the SpamCopDNSBL data for possible tagging and handling, others will simply delete it) ... so the actual complaint isn't that "your e-mail is blocked" .. it's actually that your e-mail isn't being accepted by some (other) ISPs .... that's a significant difference.

Note also:

Volume Statistics for this IP

Magnitude Vol Change vs. Average

Last day ....... 3.3 .. -37%

Last 30 days . 3.9 ... 155%

Average ....... 3.5

Numbers are still going down ... as stated previously, it would appear that the spam spew issue has been found and handled (hopefully) ....

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There's got to be a better way to filter than just using blacklists. My host has told me it's not spam that is being reported, but regular emails that people are misreporting. If


Spammers, and those who support them, tell lies.

A one-word reply to this message from your ISP: bullsh**!

Evidence galore in this thread that spam was spewing from that server.

Get an ISP with a clue!

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There's got to be a better way to filter than just using blacklists. My host has told me it's not spam that is being reported, but regular emails that people are misreporting. If SpamCop is so automatic, there is no way to stop the process is someone is reporting emails as spam, even if they are not spam.


Well, the reports that have been (details above in previous posts) made certainly appear to be spam and not just good stuff mis-reported. It looks as though your ISP is just trying to pass the buck.


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