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Wrong Server is suspected

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We have a redirection from our mail server to another of our machines - the latter is used as a virus filter and then redirects clean(ed) mails to our mail server.

Unfortunately the generated reports supect the virus-filter-server to be the sender of the spam - instead of reading further the headers, which looks like this:


Received from <virus filter server>


Received from <spam sender server>


What can I do to correct the report?



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We have a redirection from our mail server to another of our machines - the latter is used as a virus filter and then redirects clean(ed) mails to our mail server.



If the parser is identifying one of your servers as the source of the spam it often means that at least one of your servers isn't in compliance with RFC 2821 and the parser is perceiving this as a break in the chain.

As Ellen stated, SpamCop may be able to make an adjustment so the parser will accept your headers despite whatever caused it to trip, however this adjustment won't actually fix the problem (unless the problem is strictly related to the parser's coding).

You should consider identifying why your server was erroneously identified as the source and that any corrections which may be necessary to bring your server(s) into RFC compliance are addressed. This is a good idea from a "best practices" point of view, and it could prevent you from having to deal with the same problem multiple times should other services also detect an error.

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