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Where/how do I use Quick Reporting?

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I have just started reporting spam from MailWasher Pro.

I find that I have one item of email in my SpamCop email account inbox for each of the spam items reported.

I have to click on a link in each of those then scroll down to press a button to send the report.

That's obviously not quick reporting, so how can I do it?

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I have just started reporting spam from MailWasher Pro.

I find that I have one item of email in my SpamCop email account inbox for each of the spam items reported. 

I have to click on a link in each of those then scroll down to press a button to send the report.

That's obviously not quick reporting, so how can I do it?


Have you configured your "Mailhosts"

For "Quick Reporting" I believe (if authorized) you have to replace the word submit for quick

Read more here

If you have a SpamCop email account log onto your VER WEBPAGE then click TAB "report spam" get your SpamCop forwarding address from there (It is more powerful) again (if you have Mailhosts configured) substitute word "submit" with "quick"

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I have just started reporting spam from MailWasher Pro.

I find that I have one item of email in my SpamCop email account inbox for each of the spam items reported. 

I have to click on a link in each of those then scroll down to press a button to send the report.

That's obviously not quick reporting, so how can I do it?


Actually you should wait for a while to make sure you understand where your reports are going before you start quick reporting, IMHO.

You don't have to respond to each reply from spamcop. You can go to the web page and just click on 'Unreported spam' until they are all done. You also do not have to scroll down. There is a 'jump to' link at the top of the page.

You have to go through the mailhost configuration before you can start quick reporting. Then you have to be approved by the deputies.

If you do start quick reporting, then you will get an email from spamcop showing where your reports went. I found it more tedious to check that report than to report each manually. However, many people ignore the report, but there is always the possibility that something will go wrong and you will report your own ISP.

Miss Betsy

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The "VER WEBPAGE" link takes me to a page on which it says "No held mail."

What's "held mail"?

"Have you configured your "Mailhosts""


What is a "mail host" anyway?

I went to the Mailhosts page and then to the page at the "Add first hosts" link.

On that page it asks "Do you understand and agree to all of the above?

Yes No "


No, I DON'T understand.

The whole system and its contributors are using names and terms I don't understand. It's a foreign tongue to me.

I'm sure that plain English could be used but I don't suppose that will ever happen.

I used to (successfully) answer technical questions on a number of electronics forum sites.

I know a lot of technical words and expresssions which are frequently used within the field of electronics but unless I had a pretty good idea that the correspondent would understand them I refrained from their use.

Because not only do I know the argot of the trade, I also know my English language.

Gentlemen, I am fast approaching the end of my patience.

I shall go away and consider whether or not I really want to fight a user-hostile system.

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The "VER WEBPAGE" link takes me to a page on which it says "No held mail."

What's "held mail"?

Pleasae take some time and actually look around the options available in your SpamCop.net e-mail account. Note that there is even a Forum section available on "setting up your r-mail account" ....

"Have you configured your "Mailhosts"" 

What is a "mail host" anyway?

There is a MailHost Configuration Forum now existing that includes the original posting by the creator of SpamCop.net at the creation of this bit of code.

There is a Glossary provided, yet another version of words and definitions provided as a Dictionary ....

Mail-Host Configuration

Mail-Host Configuration - SpamCop Dictionary

I went to the Mailhosts page and then to the page at the "Add first hosts" link.

On that page it asks "Do you understand and agree to all of the above?

Yes No "

No, I DON'T understand.

SpamCop FAQ at the top of this page

Jump/scroll down to the SpamCop Parsing and Reporting Service section

scroll down ro the following Titled items;

How do I configure Mailhosts for SpamCop?

-----> Mailhost System Configuration Explanation

NEW! One version of a Step-by-step MailHost set-up

How do I submit spam via email?

What is Mole Reporting?

What is Quick Reporting?

SCKB link at the top of this page

click on SpamCop Parsing & Reporting Service

click on MailHost Configuration of a Reporting Account

At present, there are two choices offered;

How do I configure Mailhosts for SpamCop?

Walk-through of a MailHost Configuration

The whole system and its contributors are using names and terms I don't understand.  It's a foreign tongue to me.

I'm sure that plain English could be used but I don't suppose that will ever happen.

The reason for the Glossary and Dictionary .. linked to from the FAQ here

I used to (successfully) answer technical questions on a number of electronics forum sites. 

I know a lot of technical words and expresssions which are frequently used within the field of electronics but unless I had a pretty good idea that the correspondent would understand them I refrained from their use.

Yet, describing things only in words that the user (at the time) theoretically understands almost always leads to confusion down the road, as it turns out that what "you" said isn't what the user heard or interpreted as what you meant.

Gentlemen, I am fast approaching the end of my patience.

I shall go away and consider whether or not I really want to fight a user-hostile system.


Well, there's been a lot of work done over the years by a number of volunteers to answer these types of questions (even before they get asked) .... what's frustrating from this side of the screen is why you seem to be floundering, other than trying to jump into 'expert status' in 30 seconds or less ....?????

And also pointing out that at the top of the page into each Forum section is a small blurb; The primary mode of support here is peer-to-peer, meaning users helping other users. (please remember this at all times!) ... perhaps you missed this also ...

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