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account restore?

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I went though a bit of a financial tough spot and could not renew my account in a timely manner. I can afford to do it now, is it possible to get my account restored (with all the email I had saved)? What order should this occur, reregister with the same name, and then the restore or restore & renew the account by the pay-via-paypal thing?

Thanks for the help,

formerly nauip[at]spamcop.net

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I went though a bit of a financial tough spot and could not renew my account in a timely manner. I can afford to do it now, is it possible to get my account restored (with all the email I had saved)? What order should this occur, reregister with the same name, and then the restore or restore & renew the account by the pay-via-paypal thing?

Thanks for the help,

formerly nauip[at]spamcop.net

I think you will want to email support[at]spamcop.net with the account details for this. It could also be service[at]admin.spamcop.net but I think that is for reporting side. (I can never get the service[at]admin.spamcop.net responsibilities straight)

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I went though a bit of a financial tough spot and could not renew my account in a timely manner. I can afford to do it now, is it possible to get my account restored (with all the email I had saved)?

Missing is the timeframe involved. But you make it sound like much time has gone by, leaning towards data has been deleted by now .....

What order should this occur, reregister with the same name, and then the restore or restore & renew the account by the pay-via-paypal thing?

Question would/could start be trying to re-register and see if it's dis-allowed because the name is already in use .... also answering the possible question on account data existing or not.


jump to the SpamCop FAQ here,

slide or jump down to the E-Mail account section

follow the How do I renew my account? link

see what happens on that page ...????

I think you will want to email support[at]spamcop.net with the account details for this. It could also be service[at]admin.spamcop.net but I think that is for reporting side. (I can never get the service[at]admin.spamcop.net responsibilities straight)

How about alphabetical ....???

Deputy -> Deputy

Don -> service

JT -> support (and JT is the e-mail machine owner, thus the one to contact in this case)

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How about alphabetical ....???

Deputy -> Deputy

Don -> service

JT -> support (and JT is the e-mail machine owner, thus the one to contact in this case)

No, Are Don's administrative responsibilites ONLY for the reporting side of the house? I think they are.

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I think you will want to email support[at]spamcop.net with the account details for this. It could also be service[at]admin.spamcop.net but I think that is for reporting side. (I can never get the service[at]admin.spamcop.net responsibilities straight)

Timeframe - it's been about a month since the account stopped l;etting me check it.

I'll email the address for support as suggested.

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