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Reporting bigger spams


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I have some spams a little over 50K in size.

It's tedious adding up the sizes of spams when submitting multiples by email, so that the 50K limit is not passed. In a list of 10 spams, I'm likely to have 3 in a row with a size of 19K. The 6 spams that came in while I'm typing this total 72K.

I'm requesting that the maximum size of email spam submission be increased to 100K. That way I could report 10 spams at a time and reasonably expect that I don't go over the limit. I wouldn't have to add these up, and there would be fewer steps to get everything reported.

Thanks for your consideration,

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I'm requesting that the maximum size of email spam submission be increased to 100K.


Hi, dwdavids!

...Thank you for posting your suggestion.

...Since this seems to be more consistent with a description of "possible features / changes to the codebase or user interface" rather than with a request to "help users with reporting spam using the SpamCop Parsing and Reporting Service," I am moving this from the forum containing the second description (SpamCop Reporting Help) to the forum containing the first description (New Feature Request). I shall leave a pointer to this Forum thread in the original Forum.

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I'm requesting that the maximum size of email spam submission be increased to 100K. That way I could report 10 spams at a time and reasonably expect that I don't go over the limit. I wouldn't have to add these up, and there would be fewer steps to get everything reported.

I'm asking where you picked up your data on sizes/limits. They don't actually jive with the data that has existed in in the single-page-access-version of the SpamCop FAQ here for quite a long while, which was started with the content of the Official/Original FAQ .... Specifically;

SpamCop Parsing & Reporting Service

Is there a limit on reporting spam?

-----> 3,000 per day

-----> not older than 48 hours

-----> 50k per spam/100k per e-mail in a "multiple spam in a single e-mail" submittal

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Is there a limit on reporting spam?

-----> 3,000 per day

-----> not older than 48 hours

-----> 50k per spam/100k per e-mail in a "multiple spam in a single e-mail" submittal

Question: What actually happens if you are over that limit? Could it explain some of the strange things seen with the "no reports filed" problems?

The largest spam I have from the last 3 days is 48k with most less than 20k, but I report so often, most of the time there are no more than 2-3 sent at a time.

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Question: What actually happens if you are over that limit?
Excellent question, which has been mentioned a few times without clarification. What about quick reports? Same limits? Some reporters seem to lodge hundreds of spam reports a day. If they automate to report more or less realtime I guess it more or less fits but do they all? Some of the spam is now over 100k per message. The parser trims it back to 50k but it still gets processed. One of those in a "normal" batch (for me) of 5-10 may run towards the 200k mark but it still gets processed. I'm guessing the present limits are what SC would like users to work to as far as possible rather than an actual technical limit. But if many exceed those figures could it indeed lead to losses within the SC processing?

I try to keep to the limits anyway. For the greater good.

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It may be one of those things that has been altered, but no particular mention of it has been made.

At one time, too large submissions just disappeared. you knew that it was too large because you never got back an email that you had spam to report or a quick submit report.

If people, who didn't know about the limit, are submitting larger submissions and they are going through, then possibly there was a change in the code that allows that. And it could explain the 'no reports made' error - if the submissions that generate that error were over a particular limit.

Time for someone who likes to keep track of such things to experiment. As for someone considering raising the limit, I'd like to point out that, AFAICT, the engineers don't read the forum.

Miss Betsy

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I think that back before I read about the 50K limit, I was submitting maybe 60 at a clip, and some of them were just going away.

Now I'm getting good results submitting 10 spams at a time while ignoring the size. Maybe some combination of really large spams will get lost, but the labor saved by ignoring the size allows me to submit many more spams overall and the net result is more spams reported.

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I'm asking where you picked up your data on sizes/limits. They don't actually jive with the data that has existed in in the single-page-access-version of the SpamCop FAQ here for quite a long while, which was started with the content of the Official/Original FAQ .... Specifically;

SpamCop Parsing & Reporting Service

Is there a limit on reporting spam?

-----> 3,000 per day

-----> not older than 48 hours

-----> 50k per spam/100k per e-mail in a "multiple spam in a single e-mail" submittal

AhHA ... think I see where the confusion comes in. The Offical FAQ How do I submit spam via email? (which is linked to the above SpamCop FAQ) NOW says
You may attach multiple spams to a single submission. You should not exceed 20 spams attached to a submission. The maximum size for the overall submission must not exceed 50 KB.
When in the name of all that is holy did THAT change? This is retrograde in the sense that spams are getting bigger (as said, I receive some which are well over 100k per) while the maximum batch size is reduced. It is progressive in suggesting a limit to the number of spams in a single submission.

Little wonder if kwdavids ponders if we're a bunch of merchant bankers. We're not (truly), but among us even the most grizzled veterans in the game of functioning in an informational vacuum are still from time to time staggered by changes unheralded and unremarked and not noticeably connected to apparent user priorities. But of course there are excellent reasons for any change and we're perfectly free to guess what those might be (in private).

Obviously we must change the 50k/100k in the SpamCop FAQ and in any other places it might lurk.

And this topic stands as a "Please sir, might I have some more?"

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