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[Resolved] Receiving Spam Addressed To Someone Else???


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Hi, this is not a SpamCop issue, but since it's a spam issue... maybe you guys will know what's going on.

First of all, let me say up front that I am not a computer person. So please be nice. :) I have contacted my service provider (Earthlink) and spoken to numerous people there who can't seem to understand what I am telling them: I am getting spam which is addressed to someone else's account. Not email that has bounced back or returned from a spoofed address... email that is actually addressed to an account that is not mine is being delivered to my inbox. This other account appears to be valid and active, and is also an earthlink account. However, the scri_pt-readers at the Earthlink call center can't figure this out, and the abuse department can't understand what I'm telling them either.

So my question to you is: does anyone know how someone's spam gets sent to another person's account? Is it okay if I provide a sample here with full headers or is that a no-no?


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So my question to you is: does anyone know how someone's spam gets sent to another person's account? Is it okay if I provide a sample here with full headers or is that a no-no?

If you are a spamcop user, parsing the message and posting the TrackingURL would be better. Otherwise, just posting the headers here would be OK.

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Thank you, Steve! Here is the spamcop tracking URL:


Oops! Forgot that the parser removed the To: address. Could you post that line of text here?

What you are saying is that the x in the line To: x is not yours, even an alias setup to your main account (does Earthlink allow those?) If it is in the form "a[at]b <c[at]d>", only the c[at]d is relevant, the rest is just text.

That To: line is only text provided by the spammer. It is delivered to you as a result of a "rcpt to: <x>" line that is not part of the headers.

A simple SMTP transaction is:

telnet mailserver 25


mail from: <MY ADDRESS>

rcpt to: <YOUR ADDRESS>



. (to end the data section)


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Your email address was most likely listed in the messages BCC field (which would not have been passed along in the headers, so there is no way to see it or know for sure). Your ISP could most likely check logs if they were so inclined (don't bother with Earthlink, I can pretty much guarantee they won't do it, I'm just letting you know it IS theoretically possible for them to do).

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There is the additional address line typically titled "BCC:" .... Blind Carbon/Courtesy Copy.

This data would be in the 'envelope' of the e-mail you received, but this data is also 'stripped' long before being placed into your InBox.

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Thanks, guys. Sorry if this was a dumb question, but it's been weird getting weeks worth of emails where the "to" line in my expanded headers is to another email address that is extremely similar to my own email address... Thanks again for you help. Guess I'll just keep putting this junk through spamcop...

Also, anyone want to recommend an ISP they've had good experiences with? (I'm in the U.S., btw.) Earthlink is terrible.

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I too have had good luck with Earthlink in the past as far as reliability and dealing with problems is concerned. The only time I've had trouble was trying to ask support a question that wasn't on their cheat sheets, but then, what ISP IS good at answering non-FAQ questions anymore.

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I've been an Earthlink member since 1998, before they were Earthlink... I'm actually a Mindspring customer. I've been happy with them up until about two years ago, when their "support" went right down the drain. While they're not bad from a spam point of view, and their network is rarely down (at least where I live), that's no good to me when I have an issue that I need help with and there is NO ONE I can speak to with an ounce of common sense. It's not that they're all reading from scripts, it's that they're reading from scripts they don't even understand. Since asking them about this specific issue, I have been:

- directed to their webhosting department (????)

- given a form letter on what spam is

- given a form letter on what email is (how to send an email, how to delete an email...)

- directed to their new accounts department (????)

- advised to have the phone company come and check my line (????)

- advised to order a new modem (???)

Yet I was able to ask you guys about this and get a straight, sane answer in no time. I just can't deal with Earthlink's new "support" people anymore... Are the rest of the ISPs really this bad?

Thanks again for all your help and input (and for being nice about it). Much appreciated. :)

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