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Please call 206 309 0336


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Give us a ring..


I've been getting a lot of this one lately. They think one will buy if they try often enough. The phone number is a mailbox that works for now. I thought I would ask if other would like to call and leave a nice long message to mess them up. Small stuff perhaps, but what the hell..... :angry:

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I've been wondering how they set these up. Occurs to me that for $60 Skype will give you a phone number and mailbox anywhere from anywhere. If that was the method used, or if one could figure out how the phone number was assigned, it would be easy to make it pretty uneconomical for the phone contact method to work by shutting it off pretty fast.

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I've been wondering how they set these up. Occurs to me that for $60 Skype will give you a phone number and mailbox anywhere from anywhere. If that was the method used, or if one could figure out how the phone number was assigned, it would be easy to make it pretty uneconomical for the phone contact method to work by shutting it off pretty fast.

You can look up the responsible TELCO and the (theoretical) location of a North American phone number (and many overseas ones) using the handy service at http://fonefinder.net/. It's a sort of a telco version of IP-whois. Of course, these days with mobile phones and VoIP, it becomes more and more difficult to tie the actual physical location of the particular TELCO local loop with the actual physical location of its user(s).

For what it may be worth, (206) 309-0336 traces to the telco International Telecom Ltd. in Seattle. Fonefinder gives a link to the Washington state public utilities commission, where you could presumably complain.

-- rick

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  • 3 weeks later...

How about fighting fire with fire? These particular spammers have left themselves somewhat vulnerable, but as I am new to this forum/site, I don't want to suggest anything before figuring out what lenghts you guys are willing to go to in order to rid yourself of folks like this. In case you're thinking it, I am not talking about engaging in criminal acivity. I am talking about foisting them on their own petard.

I will wait for your reply/replies.

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  • 2 months later...

Please help! ANd thank you to those who think they can.

I have come to this page today by searching this phone number.

Worse of all, these spam emails are being spoofed through my legitimate website address. At least some of these email are being sent as if they originate from (a made up name) [at] beepnet.com!

I have contacted the government authorities who supposedly deal with identity theft, while they don't seem to have anything in place for going after people who steal your web identity.

If anyone here knows how to track these people down, I would be very grateful.

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a lookup on http://www.fonefinder.net shows the responsible Telco for this number:


Here's a link to the Washington UTC, which regulates phone companies:


There are plenty of other hits on Google to that number...here's one:


Call the WUTC and make them do their job.


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Thank you DavidT.

I have contacted the WA Utilities Commission who told me International Telcom LTD is listed with them. However, they are not the agency to handle this matter. I was referred to the WA Atty General's office where I was instructed to go to their website www.atg.wa.gov and fill out a consumer complaint form.

The Atty General's office said I will be contacted back after such a time as they look into this. We shall see.

I told them that our private domain has been hijacked to sell everything from Viagra to Diplomas and that this is the first time we have some sort of number that will lead to a person. Obviously this phone number is being paid for by someone. As a private person I have no right to simply call the Telcom company and get this information. Hopefully they will share it.

Now. On another note, having read many Google hits concerning this number, someone made a claim that these spoofers are using a scri_pt that makes every email appear as if it came from Your Domain.

Has anyone else in this thread noticed that their particular email came from their domain? I would like to try to verify this before I launch the complaint.

Thanks again in advance for any input.

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Now. On another note, having read many Google hits concerning this number, someone made a claim that these spoofers are using a scri_pt that makes every email appear as if it came from Your Domain.

Has anyone else in this thread noticed that their particular email came from their domain? I would like to try to verify this before I launch the complaint.

I think what you mean to say is "the spammer makes his e-mails have from-addresses in Your Domain." This is not the same as saying that the mail came from Your Domain, no more than my carring a sign saying "my name is Harold" makes my name Harold.

This kind of from-address forgery is pretty much standard operating procedure with spammers, and yes, it is usually done with a scri_pt or some other kind of executable software.

You should not trust the from-address in spam (or any other e-mail, for that matter), because it is very easy to forge and is not used by mail hosts to help transmit the mail.

There is at least one thread and many associated posts dealing with this issue, if you search the forum or check the FAQs.

-- rick

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  • 2 months later...
I think what you mean to say is "the spammer makes his e-mails have from-addresses in Your Domain." This is not the same as saying that the mail came from Your Domain, no more than my carring a sign saying "my name is Harold" makes my name Harold.

This kind of from-address forgery is pretty much standard operating procedure with spammers, and yes, it is usually done with a scri_pt or some other kind of executable software.<snip>

The beggar is at it again as of today's date.


I don't know if the "box" is taking calls or messages, (SMART Pages says "no") but you'd think Telecom WA would have flicked the switch of the registered user by now; eh?

The thing of it is, is: counterfeit sheepskins are usually only a sideline for organized. professional forgers. Chances are, the source of these spams are probably forging passports, blank airplane tickets, marriage and death certificates, certs of incorporation, drivers' licences, 2 for 1 MacDonalds Coupons.... Oh the humanity!!



Searching for: US 206-309-0336

Sorry, no matches were found.

[edit - slightly mangled link corrected, yeah it was working but this is better]

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The beggar is at it again as of today's date....

I don't know if the "box" is taking calls or messages, (SMART Pages says "no") but you'd think Telecom WA would have flicked the switch of the registered user by now; eh?...

Yep, a sighting here too Whocallsme and no doubt the internet shall abound once more with cries of outrage. Yes it is serious (look how Michener's "Space" turned out - the novel, that is, dunno if the Leopold Strabismus character was fully portrayed in the series).
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Yep, a sighting here too Whocallsme and no doubt the internet shall abound once more with cries of outrage. Yes it is serious (look how Michener's "Space" turned out - the novel, that is, dunno if the Leopold Strabismus character was fully portrayed in the series).

Just a "Thought in the Dark": is it feasible that "box" just collects numbers from Caller ID and then a "harvester" re-sells them? It would be an interesting list; withal;... a virtual directory of folks looking for fake documents, ...and like that. I know I'm not going to punch it up just to see if it actually does work; despite SMART Pages testimony contrariwise.

Reiterating, it's a land line and The Seattle Telephone Company carrying that number should have some 'splainin' to do if it's still live after all the complaints and testimonials.

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Hey - isn't it past your bedtime Rod? Einsam Wacht and all that? Ah, no, I was thinking of the wrong side of the country, wasn't I? Anyway ...

Just a "Thought in the Dark": is it feasible that "box" just collects numbers from Caller ID and then a "harvester" re-sells them? It would be an interesting list; withal;... a virtual directory of folks looking for fake documents, ...and like that. I know I'm not going to punch it up just to see if it actually does work; despite SMART Pages testimony contrariwise. ...
I guess, though if I were Director Meuller (and what an improvement he is on J Edgar H!) I would have the FBI setting that thing up just for the purpose of compiling a hit list of such desperados - put those seeking Ed. quals in the pen & educate them there, hand those after passports over to the military for rendition, etc. Oops, sorry, my fascist side is showing again, back on the pills for me.
...Reiterating, it's a land line and The Seattle Telephone Company carrying that number should have some 'splainin' to do if it's still live after all the complaints and testimonials.
Indeed. Aorta, as in "Aorta do sumfin' 'bout that." Local residents may have some thoughts?
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  • 1 month later...

Just wanted you guys to know that this spam has reached us here on the other side of the Atlantic, recieved it today in my university student mail in Sweden. <_<

Which is a bit ironic in a way, since Sweden is a pain in the ¤%##!" at accepting degrees from ACCREDITED universities. I'm an American myself that relocated here and all of my other American pals are in university taking up new degrees since the ones we have are worthless here. You can have an ivy league degree and they laugh at you over here when you apply for a job. :P Even within Sweden many universities won't accept degrees from other universities - their whole system is WONKED. :huh:

Not sure what these folks are hoping to get by sending them here now to student.ltu.se addys but I guess they're "global" spammers now. :blink:

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  • 1 month later...

I emailed the Telco and the WUTC and never received a response. The number is a free voicemail number offered by the company and they don't seem to care to stop spammers from abusing their services.

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  • 7 months later...

So here's some interesting info....

International Telcom ltd offers 'free voicemail', which is through laservoicemail.com.

That site is reg'd to:

Administrative, Technical Contact:

inc, komko admin[at]komko.net

300 queen anne ave north #613

seattle, wa 98119



That address is to a tiny mailbox store. Something tells me it's not a legit business.

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...That address is to a tiny mailbox store. Something tells me it's not a legit business.
http://maps.google.com.au/maps?near=300+qu...h+Maps&rl=1 - yep, there it is (Street view - Full screen - enlarge). I think you're right Brandon, sure doesn't look impressive. Could be totally innocent (malicious/ficticious address nomination) but certainly seems like a 'front' operation operating out of box number(s) there as a front for the voicemail service which provides the front for the fake diplomas. Like 'Russian' dolls.
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