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Auto response to spamcop report


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In response to this spam report I have received 22 auto responses From: TM Abuse Admin <abuse-noreply[at]tm.net.my>. All have the same subject and are in response to the same report from SpamCop

Subject: [071024-6068] (RE: Great to be back)

To: 2577713306[at]reports.spamcop.net

They have assigned 9 different numbers { [071024-6068] } to the same spam report. Time stamps are in the range of 5:25 to 5:52. So when does their response become spam? Not a serious question, just a different twist is the greater scheme of things.


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...Good question! I would consider any more than "a reasonable, ordinary, prudent person" would expect (I'd say about three, allowing for "computer glitches") to be spam. However, IIUC SpamCop would not consider it to be spam, for two reasons: because

it is not a mass-mailing (although this might arguably be borderline, as it is automated and is presumably generated by software that is directed to others, as well).

It is not commercial.

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It is not commercial.

I don't think it needs to be commercial, just unsolicited (consent, not content). In this case, technically you solicited a response by sending the complaint. Though I do think your 22 auto-responses might be a little bit over the top...

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spam is unsolicited, unwanted email. For most lists, however, it also must be bulk email or, like viruses and misdirected bounces, email sent by those who should not want to be sending such things and certainly may be going to other people as well. For some lists, it needs to be commercial email. Spamcop has its own definition somewhere in the official FAQs.

However, in the cases of unwanted email sent by someone you have had a prior relationship with, IMHO, it is more courteous and more effective to deal directly with them. That includes unsubscribes that don't work, adding you to other mailing lists under their control without adequately informing you, and, in this case, multiple email messages from an autoresponder gone berserk. It is not as easy to manually deal with these problems, but, IMHO, since there was a prior relationship (meaning that email can be considered 'solicited'), it gives /real/ spam reports more creditability and actually is more effective in getting whatever needs to be fixed, fixed.

The deputies frown on reporting responses from abuse desks, though they might be understanding in this case and I know that you didn't seriously propose reporting them.

IMHO, it is only courteous (but not easy like telling someone they have spinach in their teeth) to inform people when something doesn't seem to be going right at their end.

Miss Betsy

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...IMHO, it is only courteous (but not easy like telling someone they have spinach in their teeth) to inform people when something doesn't seem to be going right at their end.
Now that is an image I am going to have trouble getting out of my mind :D . Very appropriate though.
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They have assigned 9 different numbers { [071024-6068] } to the same spam report.

My real, tongue in cheek question is 'With 9 event numbers are my chances 9 times better that tm.net.my will stop sending me reportable spam?'

I think not. I've seen TM before.

Do we need an other word? There is no real question that I requested the first email; its not spam. The other 21 are ???

Similar to when you see a casual acquaintance and ask 'How are you?' and get 5 minutes 21 minutes of how their morning has been.


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