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Poor Senderbase Reputation


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I realize this is a Spamcop forum but I've run out of alternatives in attempting to contact somebody at Ironport's Senderbase.

For some reason, we have a "poor" reputation on Senderbase. We are on no blacklists and have a good reputation on all other similiar reputation databases, E.g. Borderware.

I have read in discussions and on the Senderbase website that "Senderbase does not block messages...". True. However, Ironport appliances apparently do use the Senderbase reputation to determine how fast and how many messages they will accept from you. This means messages we send to a domain using Ironports are being temporarily rejected, deferred and are queueing up on our servers. For this reason, there should be a means of clearing up Senderbase reputation problems. Most other such sites and blacklists have this capability.

Does anybody know how you can find out why you have a poor reputation on their site and/or do something about it?



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there should be a means of clearing up Senderbase reputation problems.
You should be able to get some help from support[at]senderbase.org

If that doesn't work, let me know. Maybe I can find another avenue of approach.

Keep in mind that it's the Thanksgiving Holiday.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -


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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm also in the same position. I was able to identify the infected laptop on our network and get us delisted from Spamcop but I can't figure out where to get us delisted from senderbase/ironport.

I don't believe that there is a listing/de-listing action on the SenderBase data .... those files are basically 'live' based on traffic 'seen' ..... As far as contacting them and getting replies, good luck. They won't even talk to me.

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... I don't believe that there is a listing/de-listing action on the SenderBase data .... those files are basically 'live' based on traffic 'seen' .....
That's my understanding as well - the model being that reputation "repairs" itself based on continuing traffic being clean. The detail is not immediately apparent - surely not a whole history retention? (Thinking reallocations, quite apart from "natural justice"). Older observations must surely time out or have reduced weighting but I couldn't actually find such detail when last I looked.
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