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I use XP Home as my OS and I use Firefox, and Mailwasher to precheck my incoming mail before Outlook processes it.

I woulds like to know the difference between the windows in Spamcop that come up when I report spam from MW that say "send spam report" which I click on first and it all goes ok, then the next window says "process spam reports" and if I click on that i invariably get the no data/too much data notice. Am i supposed to click on the second window or just stop after the "send report" window?

in other words, is the spam reporting process finished after I click on the "send reports" box?

Thank you for any help.

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windows in Spamcop that come up when I report spam from MW that say "send spam report" which I click on first and it all goes ok, then the next window says "process spam reports" and if I click on that i invariably get the no data/too much data notice.
It sounds like you're using MailWasher to send in your spam, and then you come here to finish reporting it, which is the standard procedure.

The first window you're seeing is the one that sends your spam report. Then, you're taken back to the blank text box where you can copy/paste spam in if you want.

You shouldn't click on the "process spam reports" button unless you have entered some spam for SpamCop to process. You're asking SpamCop to process nothing, and you get the error.

What you're looking for is a link near the top of the page that says, "Unreported spam Saved: Report Now." If you have sent in several spam messages, you will see that link until all of your spam has been reported.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

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