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How to include Spamcop.net blacklist


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Hello, i am using Microsoft Exchange 2007 Sp1 with Anti-spam activated on the Hub transport, i would like to know how can i include automatically spamcop.net blocklist to help me fighting spams.

Thank you for your help.

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Hello, i am using Microsoft Exchange 2007 Sp1 with Anti-spam activated on the Hub transport, i would like to know how can i include automatically spamcop.net blocklist to help me fighting spams.

You make no mention of whether or not you looked at the SpamCop FAQ .... it sure seems odd that this wouldn't also be part of the Help documentation in the Exchange application or the documentation, but then again ...

SpamCop Blocking List Service

How do I configure my mailserver to reject mail based on the blocklist?

leads one to;

How do I configure my mailserver to reject mail based on the blocklist?

Granted, it hes not been updated in several years, but ... it's a starting point. (I also see that sorbs.net hasn't been updated for Exhange 2007 either.)

I believe that the actual instructions have been posted into this Forum section by another user. There are several 'search' functions available at the top of this page.

Failing all that, perhaps Telarin will show up document it once again. Then again, perhaps not, as he stated elsewhere he's still using 2003 SP2.

slipstick.com comes to mind as an Exchange resource (also found within the SpamCOp FAQ as found here.)

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Thank you Wazoo and Andrew, of course i have read the FAQ on spamcop.net and what i found regarding exchange was for exchange 2003 SP2, Exchange 2007 SP1 is different i cant find any configurable option where i can add the blocklist that's why i am posting here if anybody has done this with exchange 2007 sp1 please help.

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Very quick search using the query string;

"exchange 2007" +blacklist

first item on the list (requiring Registration to read the whole thing) sure makes it sound hard ...

You might recall that the message protection and hygiene features in Exchange 2007 are implemented as a set of agents that run either on the Hub Transport or Edge Transport server. You use the Anti-spam tab of the server Properties page to adjust the properties used for the IP Block List Providers object; you can also adjust other properties, such as the settings used for sender and recipient filtering and for Sender ID.

another site;

We use the built-in anti-spam filtering - specifically the IP Block Listing, aka “DNS blacklist” (or DNSBL) to block emails from known spam sources.

http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library...(EXCHG.80).aspx seems to suggest that this isn't an option for a Hub ....

The Connection Filter agent is an anti-spam agent that is enabled on computers that have the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Edge Transport server role installed.

Wondering why I'm doing your research ... ???? Would much rather have you dig up the specifics and offer to write up the FAQ and/or Wiki article to answer this for others ....

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http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library...(EXCHG.80).aspx seems to suggest that this isn't an option for a Hub ....

And as usual, one can't seem to trust much of what they say ....

http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library...(EXCHG.80).aspx says;

Use the Add-IPBlockListProvider cmdlet to create a new IP Block List provider configuration on the computer that has the Edge Transport server role or the Hub Transport server role installed.

You're going to have to be the one that says it's available or not ....

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I have configured the Anti-spam option in the hub transport and provided the DNS suffix bl.spamcop.net as given in the FAQs but i got an error message saying that bl.spamcom.net isn’t a valid DNS suffix, i substituted it by spamcop.net simply, i don’t know if this is a right configuration to acquire block lists directly from spamcop.

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I have configured the Anti-spam option in the hub transport and provided the DNS suffix bl.spamcop.net as given in the FAQs but i got an error message saying that bl.spamcom.net isn’t a valid DNS suffix, i substituted it by spamcop.net simply, i don’t know if this is a right configuration to acquire block lists directly from spamcop.
Just so there is no confusion....

The address is bl.spamcop.net That's bee ell, as opposed to b-one and as opposed to spamcom

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

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I have configured the Anti-spam option in the hub transport and provided the DNS suffix bl.spamcop.net as given in the FAQs but i got an error message saying that bl.spamcom.net isn’t a valid DNS suffix, i substituted it by spamcop.net simply, i don’t know if this is a right configuration to acquire block lists directly from spamcop.
See Don's post above. You can verify (nslookup from Windows command line) like - for ISP which won't necessarily be listed when you look -

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.




Default Server: x

Address: x

> set type=txt


Server: x

Address: x

Non-authoritative answer: text =

"Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...9.192.241"


If not listed the answer is like

*** UnKnown can't find Non-existent domain

Which is sort of inconclusive, find a new IP (and reverse it for lookup) from http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=hoshame - pick one near the top, reported for a few hours to maximize chance of being listed

[on edit - SCbl lookup page changed to initial lookup which is not the actual txt value but more useful in this context]

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