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I surf the 'statistics' page, but it only shows the last 30 or so URL's submitted by people.

It would be good if i could search for certain keywords that phishers/spammers use - that way i could take down an entire generation of spam/phishing websites rather than relying on keeping the statistics page open and refreshing it, looking for certain keywords that i may miss and which i can't do all day.

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Hi Jus ...

...It would be good if i could search for certain keywords that phishers/spammers use - that way i could take down an entire generation of spam/phishing websites rather than relying on keeping the statistics page open and refreshing it, looking for certain keywords that i may miss and which i can't do all day.
In relation to a 'real time' blocklist like the SCbl, I would be worried that spammers could also use such information - to see what was making it through filters and so on. IIRC/IIUC some sytstem features have actually been lost/withdrawn because they were possibly assisting spammers - for instance one could once immediately see the effect of reporting on the timeout figure for a listed IP address. That stopped happening, possibly because spammers were reporting and evaluating the effects too.

Anyway, I'm just supposing, I don't know for sure but ...

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