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Total newbie - confused!

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Hi [at]. Just started using spamcop as spam has been driving me mad. All my mail is forwarded by my isp to my spamcop address, but it's all being treated as spam, even items that blatantly are not. I think I submitted some items as spam earlier, but I'm guessing that the spamcop system is actually treating my isp as the source, instead of the original spammer. Could anyone explain how I can fix this please? As things stand, every item of mail I receive is put into the held list! Thanks!

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Hi, Shockabuku,

...You may have accidentally reported your own ISP as a spam source. A tracking URL, as requested by Spambo, will help us determine if that's the case.

...If you agree that might have happened, these posts may provide information that you might find helpful:

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Also, since you have a spamcop email account, you can confirm what IP is being held by looking at the full headers of one of the held messages.

Specifically, you are looking for the following headers:

X-spam-Checker-Version:  SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade6

X-spam-Level:  ******



X-SpamCop-Disposition:  Blocked bl.spamcop.net 

This message was held because the IP address (always the last IP in the list) was listed on bl.spamcop.net.

To get the messages you want, you will want to whitelist any valid email addresses so that they won't be held any longer. My whitelist took about a month to configure and a couple more before I have virtually no false negatives. Even the best services have intermittant problems from time to time.

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Thanks for the replies. I'm really new to this & I don't know what a tracking URL is sorry :rolleyes:. Looking at my past reports (from yesterday), I've definitely reported my isp as a source of spam. Thing is, because all my mail comes via that isp, surely even if I get the isp unblocked or whatever, as soon as I report any more spam it'll get blocked again?? I was really hoping I could finally have spam-free mail here, but it's looking like it's for IT experts only :(.

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When you first started driving a car, things didn't go very smoothly. But even though you are not a mechanic, you have learned how to drive safely.

It is the same with spam and email. Non-technically fluent people can grasp the concept of the gears and batteries of email and learn how to work the brake and the lights.

But, like driving, it is best to go slow at first.

Miss Betsy

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I'm really new to this & I don't know what a tracking URL is sorry

The tracking URL is the link given at the top of every parsing output page (it has a comment nearby that says something to the effect "This link can be saved for future reference".

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