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Someones spamming using my e-mail address


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Hey I joined spamcop about six months ago and have successfully reported from 100 to 200 spam messages. I sincerely hope this has done some good. I now have another problem and I trying to figure out how to solve it. I am getting 5-10 bounced e-mails a day into my inbox. I never sent any of these and they also include bad subject matter. Someone must be using my e-mail address as a return address to send this bad stuff. I have Norton Antivirus but it has some kind of error right now when I try to run it. Any advice?

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I deleted your duplicate post/Topic.

Advice on Norton AntiVirus isn't really possible when the problem is described as "some kind of error" .... Maybe see the Forum FAQ entry on "How to ask questions" ...????

The question about bouncing .. one item is the Forum FAQ entry "Why am I getting all these Bounces?" ... other discussions exist within these Forum sections, but searching is a bit 'interesting' as so many folks try to define the "Forged To: line scenario" as something more personal. Many virus/spammer-tool codebase things include the function to snag address from just about anywhere or simply generate data for both sides of the "[at]" sign. The flip side of this for the ISPs involved is all the traffic generated in the past year for what has been come to be known as backscatter, e-mail rejection notices sent after delivery, rather than being rejected during the delivery attempt. (see http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/329.html for instance) That said, guess it's time to make an addition to the Glossary, also linked to from the Forum FAQ.

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I am getting 5-10 bounced e-mails a day into my inbox.  I never sent any of these and they also include bad subject matter.  Someone must be using my e-mail address as a return address to send this bad stuff.


The problem you are experiencing is not unusual. Many viruses and trojans harvest Email addresses from infected computers and generate Emails bearing the virus or spam Email and use those harvested addresses to mail themselves out.

If those messages are than blocked or bounced they come back to you.

There is nothing you can do about these and most folk realise that this is not your problem.

For your own peace of mind you will want to check you have all the normal security stuff installed and working - anti-virus, firewall and, perhaps, anti-spyware.


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For your own peace of mind you will want to check you have all the normal security stuff installed and working - anti-virus, firewall and, perhaps, anti-spyware.



jalcott might want to go through my signature for windows protection

In meantime do a online scan (If your Nortons disabled something is wrong?)


Another plus is to face up to getting a SpamCop email account which aside from blocking and reporting spammers. Also removes detected viruses before they arrive. It always pays to double this security with your own virus program that continually monitors your computer

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