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Can't report spam: "tastes like spam - rejected"


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I use aplus.net for some web hosting and email services. I am getting smtp rejections more and more often lately. After going through the typical back and forth for a few days (they seem to always blame the clients firewall/anti-virus first) I finally got a tech who said something like: "Certainly you can understand that we cannot allow that kind of email to go through..." yet I am having a problem understanding.

I applaud the fact that they have devoted resources to stopping spam from being generated by their customers (whether intentional, zombie, etc.) but it is in my way. I'll skip the speech about consent, not content and that this is legitimate email, etc., etc.

But I am left thinking (selfishly, no doubt): would it really be that hard to change the filters? The impression I got is that it is their policy to refuse 'tweaking' their filters.

Has anyone been through this with any service providers? Any ideas, suggestions how to address this?

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I use aplus.net for some web hosting and email services. I am getting smtp rejections more and more often lately. After going through the typical back and forth for a few days (they seem to always blame the clients firewall/anti-virus first) I finally got a tech who said something like: "Certainly you can understand that we cannot allow that kind of email to go through..." yet I am having a problem understanding.


Has anyone been through this with any service providers? Any ideas, suggestions how to address this?


...Find a new e-mail service provider? :) <g>
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It's very simple: "Since you won't let me deal with reporting the spam you don't block, you report it." followed by forwards of every spam received through their system that you can't report through their system. Either they'll get the hint or you'll save time.

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Oh! Here's why: It would be rejected. tastes like spam.



...But at least you're making them waste processing cycles (and other resources) checking through it, identifying it as "tasting like spam" and kicking it back to you. :) <g>
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  • 2 years later...

I would not do business with aplus.net. They are a spam friendly host that provides anonymous register services for spam gangs, and they have a policy of willful blindness towards the illegal actions of their clients. I reported numerious domains of theirs that where being used for by yahoo SPIM Spammers, and their attitude was "We don't have to take action because you can't prove our clients sent the SPIM."


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