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Microsoft Hunts For Zombie Spammers


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...The InformationWeek article.


Microsoft is investigating 13 spam operations as part of a call to action against zombies, which are compromised computers used without their owners' permission to send spam, launch denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, and spread worms and viruses.

EDIT: Fixed URL (thanks, Lking!).

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No offense but the link is from Oct. 27, 2005

with over a month it looks like they are not doing so well.  (Yet)


I think you missed the following quote
"Hopefully, we'll be able to turn over the results of our investigation for criminal prosecution under CAN-spam," Cranton added. "We need to take a few more steps, but in the next two to three months, I think we can name these spammers."
So it is a bit too early to judge. I hope that Microsoft does actually follow through.
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...No offense taken. :) It's taken me this long to get to the November 7 issue of InformationWeek which had a note about this blog article.


Well, at least I know I am not the only one running behind :D

It was good info and I hope they get em all!

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