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Everything posted by klappa

  1. Thank you! What do you mean by offending message with munged headers follows? How do you mung the headers with your name and address? However the destination domain was hosted by either Key-Systems, RRProxy or Google i am not sure which is hosting which. I don't want to type down the domain as it would be traceable by the spammer. There's no trace routes services or functions i know of that would've showed the destination domain. The domains you listed are hosted by Amazon and lies between the domain link found in the spam and the destination domain. I don't know their purpose though.
  2. Thank you! That will help a lot. With this i can improve my reporting even more. Amazon promised to take action now in the last second when i threatened to report them to the government authorities. Now i see that the redirect URL service unfortunately didn't show the destination domain which was hosted by another domain host entirely from Amazon. These spammers are clever. IT's really a pain in the ass. It is also unfortunate that Spamcop isn't that much of a help when they are constantly changing from where they send the spam from and hosts their obfuscated domains. Spamcop will only report the responsible parties in the spam. I really do hope Spamcop does something though even if you have to dig further than what Spamcop does.
  3. They just dismiss my complaints. They send a reply saying the sender IP belonging to Microsoft together with a whois lookup. Well doh they are using Outlook to send their spam. They just don't get it. Do they really think i am stupid. And at the same time saying they can understand my frustration. I don't know what to say. I didn't know the Amazon abuse helpdesk were so dumb.
  4. They are? I know the sex dating domains they host is a scam, sites which are using bots but I didn't know they also contained pedophilia. You think they would listen and take action? I am just afraid they would say they haven't found any evidence containing pedophilia and just happily go on pretending they are not following the spammers errands. This is common among these type of spammers. The visible domain seen in the spam link is using a completely different host to hide from spam reports and while that host may take action Amazon might not for there's no evidence showing them being involved. I made a case to them telling them that the destination domain are hosted by Amazon but according to them that content is not being hosted on the AWS network. Here's the Spamcop report so you see for yourself. https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6528085723z327e3c5c23bd63746d9270f0d3a08dd6z Are there any instances i can turn to when feeling helpless or should i just give up and pretending Amazon not having anything to do with it?
  5. That didn't help. See post below. Yes! I got an even worse answer. And it's usually this type of response that i get from Amazon. I don't know how many cases i must create to make them listen than just providing autoreplies. Really what more information? I forwarded the whole spam e-mail. Nothing in it connects to Amazon until i click on that spam link in the e-mail then it goes through several domains (HTTP/1.1 302 Found URL redirection) hosted by Amazon until it lands on the destination domain also hosted by them.
  6. Which three regulatory authorities? I often find them doing nothing except maybe if it's phishing spam perhaps but that doesn't help much either as the phishers just compromise a new server to send phishing mail from. Does it really help? As said in the original post there's nothing in the spam that links to Amazon except when clicking that link which redirects to the spammers Amazon hosted servers. It goes though several Amazon domains a long the way but the first one is always hosted on another host provider or using short URL services. That makes the spam reports meaningless and Amazon another excuse not to look into it. They did according to their corresponding e-mails but i keep getting them so obviously the did nothing on their part. Any idea how i can formulate it? "That link leads to one of your domains"? Would they even care? They stopped responding to my Cases for a time now. It's damn frustrating how they can host spammers hosting their damn adult sex domains which obviously are a scam all together. I am so frustratingly mad!
  7. I regularly get spam from spammers using third party e-mail providers like Outlook then using redirect links to Amazon hosted adult sex dating domains. What can i do in this instance? Despite creating case after case on Amazon they replied at first promising they would look into this situation but haven't done anything since i keep getting the spam. Obviously Amazon isn't kicking the customer out because I think Amazon don't they have anything to do with it when there aren't anything in the e-mail linking to them except when clicking the the link in the spam. This is very frustrating!
  8. I've constantly reporting and they even promised to resolve the issue or spammer that hosted it's domains on their services. But still i get spam from the spammer. Are they doing it for the money?
  9. Thank you RobiBue! Great job explaining it. I wonder why MS did this in the first place? Didn't they think this would break spamreports?
  10. But that will expose my e-mail isn't that why i am using Spamcop in the first place? Something I've paid to work but doesn't work as intended?
  11. What are you talking about? I don't think you understand my initial question. It always sends to report_spam at hotmail dot com no matter what. Editing it how? Changing it Receive line to X-Received? For Gmail i just delete the Receive line and Spamcop can parse it otherwise it can't. Thanks! But no matter how many spam i report to Microsoft directly nothing happens. Send the spam reports to Microsoft is like sending them into a void. You never know for certain they'll care or even do something about it so I don't trust them with any spam-reports unless the spammer is sending from their servers directly.
  12. But then again i have to refer to my original question. Why does all my spam from my Outlook e-mail report to Microsoft when parsing it with Spamcop?
  13. But if you have to do that it's broken. Spamcop doesn't work with any IPV6 addresses. Only in a very few instances i got it to work with Outlook never with Gmail. So you're telling me i have to remove the top most Recieve line header to get Spamcop to parse the email spam right? Just like with Gmail?
  14. Then what is the point using Spamcop when it's not even compatible with the two biggest e-mail webhosts today? Mailing the Spamcop devs doesn't fix the problem either. Cisco just doesn't care about Spamcop anymore. I give up!
  15. Thank you for the explanation but i only use one e-mail. I do have my Hotmail mailhost setup correctly. Don't quite understand what you mean but the problem i have is that the mailhost didn't properly assign that blame to the edge as you said. I did the mailhost verification again and reported a new spam mail. It doesn't seem to work still. As the original sender is sent from somewhere in Bosnia. It could be fake though. https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6501940819zcc4d6ab64a99582789746cbfa88ebe99z
  16. I have two different e-mails one is Outlook the other one is Gmail. Every time i get a spam on my Outlook e-mail it in almost all cases reports directly to report_spam@hotmail.com. However sometimes i get the same spam on my Gmail e-mail (the spammer supposedly have both of my e-mail addresses.). But the Gmail one reports to the correct spam contacts wherever the Outlook always reports to the hotmail abuse address which it shouldn't do except the spammer send me spam from one using one of Microsofts services? Only in a few instances does Spamcop report to the right abuse contacts when using Outlook, i have no idea why it works in those cases but oh well. Why does it do this? If i recollect rightly this haven't always been the case and it always used to send to the correct instances or abuse contacts. Here's two Spamcop reports, first one from Outlook and the other one from the Gmail e-mail. https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6499645284z69efc272a2d2f2b47876f5ca99aa42ddz https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6499643222z25c6ac08119c343450665e089fa8cf61z Since Gmail doesn't work with Spamcop without breaking i had to convert the 6to4 address to an ipv4-address. It's a bad joke which Spamcop haven't correted for years now but i leave that for another time. It just shows that it is meaningless to report spam using Outlook since Spamcop can't handle them properly. At least Outlook is using a proper IPV6 address than a 6to4 private address like Gmail does but it doesn't help Spamcop parsing them properly to the right abuse contacts using Outlook either way. Something is broken.
  17. Shouldn't report_spam [at] hotmail [dot] com work? Spamcop uses that abuse address all the time.
  18. Every spam i get on Hotmail Spamcop wants me to report to abuse at microsoft dot com. I thought it worked as intended? Spamcop will always report to the last known source which it can trust?
  19. So you're saying report_spam at hotmail dot com doesn't work? And what do you mean by typing it in? Where should i type it in?
  20. You have to be more detailed. I don't understand what you mean. Checking the reports the spam does indeed get sent to report_spam at hotmail dot com.
  21. How can i know if an abuse address is overridden by code?
  22. I already had this. And what does it let me forward to other addresses? I suppose you're not meaning Public report recipients? It's the same for me. Every spam i get is being sent to report_spam@hotmail.com. I thought it was working as intended or doesn't it?
  23. You can change the receipt recipients in settings.
  24. But that doesn't forward it to the right abuse address?
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