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Posts posted by eric

  1. While I support your cause, I don't understand your premise that you are whitelisting more netries unless you have changed your blacklist settings.

    The only entry I have added in the last year or so is a new mailing list my wife subscribed to.

    No, you miss the point. I have some number of email correspondents who, for better or worse, are stuck with ISPs that are listed on the SCBL from time to time. For example: AOL, Earthlink, etc. I am not about to whitelist the entire sending domain, but I would like to whitelist the addresses I expect to receive email from.

    A common starting point for that list is addreses to which I have sent email, plus addresses from which I have received email that I accepted. I would like to upload a list of those addresses in bulk.

    As time goes by, addresses on that list will become obsolete, and I would like to be able to delete them from the list. Paging through 35+ web pages is not my idea of the most efficient way to do this, especially if the one I am looking for ends up at the end of the list in sorted order.

    I guess I don't understand *your* premise! Are you claiming that you never receive email from anyone at a large ISP that gets itself listed, but that you want to whitelist so that the email gets through without delay? (or even worse, doesn't get through because it is buried in a pile of real spam, not false positives?)

  2. I know this has been mentioned from time to time in the past, but the SC email whitelist interface needs work, and now it's time. With the dramatic increase in spam of late, and the higher (in my personal experience) SCBL listing of certain ISPs causing desired mail to be blocked, the interface to the whitelist feature really needs to be augmented. The current interface simply doesn't scale.

    It would suit my needs if I could upload a text file of the same strings that are now used by the whitelist function, and have my uploaded list entirely replace the installed whitelist on my SC email account. With a matching download to text file capability, I can download the current whitelist, edit it to remove entries, widen/narrow the string match, and add lots of new names, then upload the new whitelist.

    With more ISPs getting listed due to p0wned boxen and whatever, the whitelist is even more important than ever to expedite desired email from senders stuck on those ISPs. When will this long-requested feature request be acknowledged, and maybe even scheduled?

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