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  1. Thank God! Just now, the floodgates have opened, at least for me, and mail is pouring in! Thanks, guys, for finally getting this fixed. What a nightmare to have come from a one-digit typo.
  2. Look, if you guys don’t get this fixed, I’m going to be forced to abandon my main public email address, which I’ve had for roughly twenty years, and notify many hundreds of entities of the change. NOT HAPPY!
  3. Hope the caches update soon. I'm still getting nothing via Spamcop. Test emails are being blackholed.
  4. Looks like the forwarding service is down hard, but the web site is still up, so Google and others are not reporting an outage. HELP! Anybody home at Spamcop? I’m worried it’s blackholeing all incoming mail!
  5. I haven't gotten any email via Spamcop since last night some time. My actual mailbox is working fine. Anyone else seeing this problem?
  6. I use Spamcop as a filter in front of my main address, which FWIW is at pobox.com. Unfortunately, because Spamcop has no spam folder, false positives are silently deleted and cannot be recovered. I just had to talk to a human to get a password reset because the password reset email was dumped, presumably by Spamcop. A Spamcop spam folder would solve this problem.
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