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Everything posted by MIG

  1. Hi, Display Name, not sure if this will help, (someone here & maybe doco) suggested removing from the 1st [ Received: from DM5PR19MB1033.namprd19.prod.outlook.com (2603:10b6:3:ef::17) by DM5PR19MB1034.namprd19.prod.outlook.com with HTTPS via DM5PR04CA0055.NAMPRD04.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; Thu, 8 Nov 2018 14:05:18 +0000] however, I notice the spam msg you're querying has 3 [Received: from etc] I removed the first 2 [Received: from etc] & submitted to spamcop - https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6499543863za669acef9883e3921fd95624a079faefz, if it was submitted within the timeframe it would have been directed to abuse@zohocorp.com
  2. Hello Gnarlymarley, well you said it loud enough for me to hear Re your method, are you speaking about https://outlook.live.com/mail/ or app based Outlook mail? I've just tried via web based mail, not possible. Will try app based & update... Cheers.
  3. Laughing! Too true! & [a tall building sticking up above the fag] really? Is that old Irish? Back to the serious topic, struggling to comprehend Ms would enable spammers..
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A sample of mindless MS response: "This is Joan, I am one of the Supervisors. Outlook Engineering is updating Outlook.com on the web. The new Mail experience is the result of a long-running Beta and feedback from millions of Outlook.com customers. Although, there is no option to permanently return to the previous version, you can use the Classic version for the time being. I am always on your side to help. Best Regards, Joan, Outlook.com Support" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: changing mail apps, I do use others, don't get any spam to report/hunt down & destroy
  5. Re, let MS know, I have, via direct contact & UV Forum, there's only so much slamming my head into a brick wall that I can tolerate.
  6. Lking, you've made my day! Here I was thinking you could see/do stuff that I had yet to learn... So you are saying, even using OL-Classic, the "extract" of source data is not formatted/formatting correctly for SpamCop...?
  7. After re-reading your last post Lking, I re-read https://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/368.html, & decided, based on that info & what you've written the "successful" submissions (I thought) must not be successful, therefore, I decided to forward a spam email via submit.xxxxxxxxxx@spam.spamcop.net - result: [SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing:SpamCop could not find your spam message in this email] When I look at the submission it sure as hell looks like a whole lot of spam to me.... I don't know what I don't know xxxx = unique id
  8. Me again Lking - http://forum.spamcop.net/topic/28485-new-outlook-update/ sounds same/similar.... sadly
  9. Hey Lking, I'm a little confused again; all the fails were when I extracted source via "new-web-OL-mail", however, when I extracted exactly the same spam emails via "OL-Classic", all spam emails submitted successfully to Spamcop... So, my previous "steps I used" worked last night but not today, that's why I forced the web mail to OL-Classic, tested the extract source, post to Spamcop, no problems... Am I missing something? At this point I'd do anything to be golden, it is my birthday after all?
  10. Hmmm, good news & bad news... Every spam I've attempted to submit today, using the method above, has resulted in various errors: This header is incomplete. No source IP address found No blank line delineating headers from body - abort Probably not full headers https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6497458241zb5d9f857204219152e648a2d4b551788z https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6497459993z09d158e422fd007e21fc6c936ac40470z https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6497470557zf4f929417b14cbed5c9cd04f012742d0z https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6497480011z38c3d94e5effec3db9f81475b1620e57z https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6497480619za1aa66a059cecea76feb30bae49f9691z {Side note to admins, In my efforts to sort this I think I've duplicated 1 spam submission, apologies!} However, when I accessed Outlook livemail via [ https://outlook.live.com/owa/?path=/classic ], not only was I able to extract the source data without trouble, I was also successful submitting a scummy spam email to Spamcop. I don't know what changed between last night & today, I'm not techie enough to work out what dark road MS have gone down but the end result is MS is making it harder for spam fighters and easier for spammers. You may think, no problems, we'll all just use: [ https://outlook.live.com/owa/?path=/classic ], sadly OL LiveMail Classic has a pending death date, which leads me to ponder, surely there is/are "someone/s" out there, who have enough clout to engage with MS, enlighten them & if they remain dumbly determined not to modify/enhance OL_New_web_Mail [https://login.live.com/login.srf?wa=wsignin1 etc] beat some sense into them...? This is what they say: "Outlook Engineering is updating Outlook.com on the web. The new Mail experience is the result of a long-running Beta and feedback from millions of Outlook.com customers..." Just like the feedback MS received about 1809 Fall update, which they ignored, only to have the 1809 update screw squillions of MS Customers files, computers, etc. etc.... And MS finding themselves in the embarrassing position of having to pull 1809. Never mind all the angry customers... I digress, however, dog is particularly pissed as I've spent so much time trying to work out what the bloody hell is going on! Spamcop Big Team, do you have a MS portal/ear that will listen to commonsense? No-one is asking for OL-New-web-Mail not to be implemented, just asking for some mods so uncorrupted source data can be extracted. Any thoughts? Input?
  11. RobiBue, Thanks for replying, unfortunately copy to txt file was not making any difference.. That's why this was driving me kinda nuts! LKing, thank you for the "Outlook Beta in production" affirmation. The solution I used was: > scummy, phishing spam email: 1. Extract source. 2. Remove 1st "Received: from...." statement. 3. Copy from: 2nd "Received:from..." to "MIME-Version:..." > https://www.spamcop.net/ 4. Paste output to: "Paste headers and optionally mime separators in first box" > scummy, phishing spam email: 5. Copy everything remaining after "MIME-Version:..." > https://www.spamcop.net/ 6. Paste output to: "Paste decoded email body in second box:" 7. Select "Process spam" 8. Write furious email to MS & post commentary to the "UserVoice Forum" > https://outlook.uservoice.com/, [select whichever platform you use] knowing full well they'll ignore it. 9. Make a cuppa & pat the dog, not necessarily in that order. On the subject of new "Outlook/beta", the root cause of "Unable to submit spam: "This header is incomplete. Please supply full headers of the spam.. etc", there are other changes to how https://outlook.live.com/mail/ "email source data" is accessed, I'll add these shortly...
  12. https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6497258669z11b3b510e693c89d069f05f05c312476z Full source was posted. Definitely spam. Anyone have any ideas please? Thanks in advance.
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