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Posts posted by DCSmooth

  1. I understand this bug already has been reported and the topic has been pinned. However, since someone above has expressed a preference for keeping the default as all checked, I just wanted to point out a very important argument for restoring the default to all unchecked.

    This may already be obvious, but I think needs to be stated in this thread:

    The original default of all user-defined boxes being unchecked will result in fewer SpamCop reports going to an inappropriate 3rd Party address.

    For example, my user-defined report recipients include not only the spam[at]uce.gov (where I send all spam), but also recipients who are only interested in specific types of spam such as webcomplaints[at]ora.fda.gov for prescription-related e-mails and spoof[at]ebay.com for Ebay Phishes. I imagine many user's lists also include addresses for specific types of spam.

    If a hurried SpamCop user reporting one spam after another forgets to check the boxes for user-defined recipients from an unchecked list, no harm is done.

    Meanwhile, the paralel scenario of forgetting to UNCHECK user-defined recipients would result in Viagra e-mails going to the Nigerian Scam address, university diploma ads being reported to software piracy folks, etc etc etc. The checked defaults would result in less efficient reporting and less overall respect and attention for SpamCop reports.

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