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  1. On 2/25/2019 at 5:12 AM, lisati said:

    You need to forward the email as an attachment, and not as "inline" - the Spamcop parser needs access to the full text of the email to do its stuff.


    why can't i just forward (not as attachment)? its the same content formatted differently, but will make huge difference to users: instead of doing 1 step (forward to address) we have to do 5:

    1. download original email,
    2. go to file system where it got downloaded
    3. create new email to spamcop
    4. attach just created new email the file from 2.
    5. sent new email 

    why not just let users forward email? imagine how many users how many times a day have to do 5 steps for nothing?

    and now imagine: if i can just forward it, i create simple rule in my gmail: if you think its spam, forward it to this address and delete. at the end of day even 1 step is not required, if you enable forwarding.

    thank you!

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