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Henry Bowman

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  1. Well, now I'm bumfuzzled. I reported the spam to Spamcop just by mailing it to spamcop, same as I do all the other spam I get. Spamcop presumably sent it to the "proper" address using the same algorithms it uses for every mail source. And I got this notice back from one of the hosting providers that seems to say "nope, fetch another rock." It sounds like you're using some kind of tool to analyze the spam that is similar to but different from the one spamcop uses. If I was going to do that for my spam, why would I use spamcop at all? And/or HOW would I use spamcop at all with it? Not that I really want to process all my own spam by hand. Plus, Windows software is no good to me at all.
  2. Just got this back from Digital Ocean. It seems to be saying it's just going to ignore the mail from Spamcop. That is, assuming that Spamcop isn't already sending some new deely-bopper reporting format that I've never seen before, and have no idea whether they do or not. Now what?
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