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Posts posted by satz

  1. Thank you so much for the response. It was very helpful. I modified it to look for Google's mail API generated email:

    header  LOCAL_GMAILAPI  Received =~ /gmailapi.google.com/i

    Everything else you posted remains the same. It was looking like the spammers were measuring the Spamassassin score before sending so this now pushes the score where it belongs. At least until the next time.

    I also found milter-regex will let me reject email when added after spamass-milter. This lets me reject spam email from gmail.com only. I use the following configuration:

    reject "No thank you"
    header /^From$/i /gmail\.com/i and header /^X-spam-Flag$/i /YES/i

    So far seems to be working.

  2. I have been getting more spam via gmail than is reasonable and looking to automate some way to reject it. Spamassassin will let me reject all spam over a certain score limit but it doesn't appear to discriminate any further. I would prefer to only do this for the gmail domain.

    Anyone have any suggestions on how this might be accomplished?


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