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Everything posted by petzl

  1. If it keeps up complain to Registrar (Try the "unsubscribe" maybe bogus) Name: em.bm23.com IP: (abuse[AT]tierpoint[DOT]com) Aliases: email.pirateprofiteers.com Domain: pirateprofiteers.com abuse[AT]namecheap[DOT]com spammers don't like their web site taken down
  2. Probably react to complaints and fix many problems. Right now I use spyhunter but only their free version. Had problems with signing up they started charging multiple times', even now their sign in price, it is made a yearly charge at a much higher price than you signed up for. So cancel any forced subscription straight away, usually get offered a much better deal when due.
  3. Stopped using it because of to many false positives for me. Might be ok for you. Sometimes pays to try a different one?
  4. Just forward SMS to your email account then copy link then make a abuse report. Android phone, just highlight SMS, right top of screen 3 dots, click share. Send to your email to abuse EXAMPLE Criminal phishing fraud sent to my mobile phone as SMS message link/URL is http://company.thehospitalityconnect.com/yo-v/?PmG-3B7tTw7B9RQ21KX Name: company.thehospitalityconnect.com IP: abuse[ AT]telstra[ DOT]net Domain: thehospitalityconnect.com abuse[ AT]godaddy[ DOT]com I use windows APP WIN32 WhoIs for URL AND IPNetinfo for IP address of the URL
  5. No not sure what could be wrong? CHECK Under TAB "preferences" "Report Handling Options" Quick Data Reports Enable quick data reports. ???
  6. Make sure ALL your email addresses are registered in your Mail hosts. I only get 1 spam a month so I do it manually. I only use Gmail
  7. Without ANY IP the only contact address I can see is maybe on?? https://glockapps.com/blacklist/work-drbl-gremlin-ru/ Which gives this link http://gremlin.ru/soft/drbl/en.html#removemenow Tread carefully though
  8. Usually caused by your email being bounced (SpamCop then stops sending) or your provider bit-binning them. Get a Gmail or use a different email account to see if you can get it to work again!
  9. is from Microsoft email servers they do not record the IP that it was sent from. SpamCop email server does. SpamCop just reports web sites/URL's to the IP assigned, not to the registrar. Reporting URL IP's will have little effect best to report to Registrar Abuse Contact The first URL looks to be a phishing Gambling site (also sent to minors) Name: click.virt.s10.exacttarget.com IP: Aliases: click.marketing.bigfishgames.com Domain: bigfishgames.com needs reporting to Registrar Abuse Contact Email: mailto:abusecomplaints[AT]markmonitor[DOT]com ****************** The next is a bogus unsubscribe URI www.recadoona.com IP: Aliases: www.recadoona.com Domain: recadoona.com needs reporting to Registrar Abuse Contact Email: mailto:abuse[AT]name[DOT]com ************************** I use a freeware windows app to find out registrar abuse addresses. http://www.gena01.com/win32whois/
  10. Went through SpamCop's email server "" always found them set-up to record where it came from Would like to see a proper track SpamCop Track? Possibly Apple have their own idea's about what is identified? Received: from vmx.spamcop.net (HELO vmx5.spamcop.net) ([]) by esa2.spamcop.iphmx.com with ESMTP; 15 Feb 2022 22:36:28 -0800 Received: from m37-188.mailgun.net (m37-188.mailgun.net []) by vmx5.spamcop.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 45DD0AF71F for <petzl@spamcop.net>; Tue, 15 Feb 2022 22:36:28 -0800 (PST)
  11. Possibly help if you could send a SpamCop Track (at top of page before you submit spam report) Example https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6737987188z5348539186d39fd3831b87f1d9ddaee8z
  12. There is a 30 character limit on passwords for SpamCop Suggest you keep it at or under 29 Alphanumeric/Character limit
  13. Thanks I did not know that, I keep my fuel up . I like looking at what other spam comes from IP by looking at reports
  14. Every SpamCop report could lead to a listing on SpamCop Blocklist. Once listed it is also added to SpamAssassin score
  15. https://forum.spamcop.net/topic/46519-google-ignore-complaints-about-its-abused-servers/?do=findComment&comment=159847 AmyLynn says she has results by posting to "google-cloud-compliance[AT]google[DOT]com"
  16. Time to ask for help https://spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/401.html https://www.spamcop.net/ces/contact.shtml that don't work it goes to 401 when you send? Other reasons for contact To contact us for any other reason, please begin by giving us a short description of the reason for the contact (message subject):
  17. That now works I refreshed the SpamCop abuse address (now correct) the sending IP is a spambot " is an open proxy" Seems the abuse address is being ignored! you need to add email address cyberthreat[AT]viettel[DOT]com[DOT]vn in your submissions From Cert https://www.first.org/members/teams/viettel_cyber_security https://check.spamhaus.org/listed/?searchterm=
  18. You just click the tab "Mailhosts" scroll to bottom of page click "Add new hosts" type in your email address submit SpamCop ill send a message to that address you click the link in that message and you mailhost will be set-up
  19. You just post your email address in hosts then submit after deleting the one that don't work? This won't work on network email.
  20. Yes it's been devnulled SpamCop Track would be helpful? SpamCop has legacy issues where a IP reporting address has been coded in, once done stays there! klever[AT]centernet[DOT]com[DOT]br (none responsive email address) https://check.spamhaus.org/listed/?searchterm= Whois give this as Brazil spam also report to cert[AT]cert[DOT]br and mail-abuse[AT]cert[DOT]br
  21. In abuse report include in notes the registrar abusecomplaints[AT]markmonitor[DOT]com AND US CERT Coordination Center international-team[AT]cert[DOT]org AND network-abuse[AT]google[DOT]com When I include them In forward spam from my email account to them my notes Criminal phishing, bogus reply address, bogus unsubscribe (NEVER subscribed), DDoS attack. Often contains malware email received from IP RESET PASSWORD (Omit below if not porn spam) Child porn spammer pictures under 18 or made to look under 18 NO PROOF OF AGE available! SENT TO MINORS > After and below ">" paste in text, full headers and spam body then send may take a few reports
  22. I found with twitter reporting to their registrar had immediate results, The Child Porn spammer was using their twitter as a redirect to a child porn website. The redirect spam stopped as soon as I reported them .
  23. I now only use Gmail web mail. Any spam I stamp Phishing that stops their attachments being downloaded if a Gmail account it becomes disabled If not a Gmail account I report it. This is a Chinese spammer who has his rubbish in Googles Gmail cloud (Disabled) headers reported XI will stick him in confinement I hope! https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6737987188z5348539186d39fd3831b87f1d9ddaee8z
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