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Everything posted by petzl

  1. I too just forward to a gmail account which works well Concerns with Gmail are privacy concerns ALL email coming and going is electronically read and they are expert at it I have never given them my real name or address Scary notes are they can now show me on Google my home, car parked in driveway They have got my birthday All scrapped from email received sent to them Gmail have on a few times reverted to use the False name I gave them in Google Groups? Never asked just did it I have gone back to Petzl by working out how and no thanks to google Also adverts are now targeting my age group, eg (geriatric) lonely heart types using this info not emailed but seen in Youtube also Australian goods and services. I just don't trust them and seeing a a later point this (my) info being sold to dubious parties. Been given a hint and a wink to try http://pobox.com/ But going to stick with Gmail domain account I got from Email Client I once used Seem a LOT of clever but ignorant "Charlies" run Google
  2. Thanks that is really good From experience never had false positives and even when dealing in countries known to be spam sources
  3. Can you "cite" that please I seem to of missed it To me a good thing if true
  4. In my experience that is the best spam/virus detection in the world ICI/ORICA Australia now use it IF that's the case sign up now for email forwarding if you don't want to ever see spam
  5. No one yet knows what this move will do I always try to make my spam thoroughly reported As such used my trash folder to forward to both CERT of the country that sent it as well as the abuse address given. Not being able to send direct from a SpamCop email source that it was sent to creates "noise" to the dopey that look into it. Most of those working to stop spamming are not the brightest crayons in the pack and find it easier to bitbin reports than do anything! So for me if SpamCop email reporting becomes useless will dump the SpamCop address (spammers have won with the help of Cesmail"
  6. Not keen about this myself. Just means you need a email account to send email Received email will still go through your SpamCop filters This can also be done by using a freeware program called MailWasher this allows you to use the same blocklists SpamCop Email does, except they WORK, unlike SpamCop Email
  7. SpamCop will forward filtered email to an email account of your choice I suggest one open a Gmail Account and use a super secret email Addy like "dodadumdumdewidiwidi84" Your held folder will still work as will "Very Easy Reporting" (VER) using SpamCop
  8. Sending Mail / SMTP Server smtp.cesmail.net Port 587 Receiving Mail (regular connection) pop.spamcop.net User/Logon Full SpamCop Email address Password (Maximum 30 Characters) You should stop using your other email address (let it run dry over time) and use your SpamCop one only anddirectly.This removes the incompetence problems your provider sticks you with Pay to just mark message read leave on server http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...ost&p=79165
  9. Don't use outlook Help page http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/122.html Tool http://www.spamgrabber.org/ SpamCopWiki http://forum.spamcop.net/scwik/OutlookMicrosoft
  10. The new version will show as SpamCop.net v4.7.0.111 So the upgrade was successful This number is shown when you report spam at top of page http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z5461978436za...a20af63d5b3fccz So thanks to SC staff and the development engineers in Elbonia
  11. Nope! Once an IP is blocked by Hotmail group it's unlikely to be unblocked EVER The only way is for SpamCop to use a different IP 29th December I tried Hotmails auto removal We have completed reviewing the IP(s) you submitted. The following table contains the results of our investigation. No action taken The system found that the reported IP(s) are not eligible for automatic mitigation. Seems there is very little spam from that IP Was 99 and dropped a bit so seems spamtraps are still being hit?
  12. The IP is clean it did not have DNS set correctly when this first started being blocked and many blocklists are unforgiving if Reverse DNS is not set right (it is now) Webmail is now using a different IP which Hotmail accepts
  13. Microsoft also bounce email from SpamCop sent via SMTP Thought I would try and ask their abuse desk to release IP It is clean And The following message to <abuse[at]hotmail.com> was undeliverable. The reason for the problem: 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-"SC-001 (BAY0-MC3-F40) Unfortunately, messages from weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. Abuse addresses are not meant to be blocked? Seems strange that they don't do nothing with other spammers ever? My Hotmail junk folder was getting full of porn pharm phishing Any blocking list needs a "white hlist" for any block list to be overridden or it just gives false positives
  14. Yes I use Win7 32 bit not sure what portable apps are available for Linux but just using thunderbirds inbuilt back-up should help a bit? I just zip the whole lot up when it gets over 2 gig (date it "backwards 20111106 year/month/day) After 4 gigs worth I burn them to data DVD disk. Another with Thunderbird is the PGP use is easy but you have to look for "Enigmail" Go to "Tools" then select "Add-ons" then "Extensions" I mention this because many email providers (companies ISP's, Goverment etc) read your mail (electronically but maybe also manually if flagged?) I have noticed Gmail target my age (YouTube etc) and I have never given it to them? even my name is false, this seems to be from "dating companies" with Ladies my age also also other cruise-lines and so on? Don't mind the cruise lines but giving out my age? Makes me wonder what else is looked for I get my "junk" email sent there (Gmail) from Supermarket/Cruise ships/etc which have these details and often send me "happy birthday".Bit hard to convince people but your identity is at risk and maybe PGP keys aren't such a bad idea (Very easy to use with Thuderbird and SpamCop Webmail)
  15. Your email is coming back if not now shortly IMAP is good and no reason to not keep using it Just as an extra use a USB email program as well to POP say once an hour a day whatever Thing is this not likely to happen for another 20 years
  16. I suggest this method HERE And HERE Maybe someone has a better idea? [edit] prompted by appeal in another topic now pinned
  17. My prayers go out to her A good friend with heart in right place
  18. The original was a minimum of 30 minutes between retries any quicker a permanent rejection Greylisting works and the only static will be from those that don't want it or any spam prevention (except their own) to work NANAE (news.admin.net-abuse.email) is full of them. I think 15 minutes would now be a safe resend time, as spam runs go for hours and are unlikely to resend (a big problem if a server is set to permanently reject email on attempts greater than 30 minutes) The latest and changing is When a mail server is greylisted, the duration of time between the initial delay and the re-transmission is variable. Some mail servers use a default of four hours, though most will retry sooner. Most open-source MTAs have retry rules set to attempt delivery after around fifteen minutes (Sendmail default is 0, 15, ..., Exim default is 0, 15, ..., Postfix default is 0, 16.6, ..., Qmail default is 0, 6:40, 26:40, ..., Courier default is 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 35, 40, 70, 75, 80,...). Microsoft Exchange defaults to 0, 1, 2, 22, 42, 62 ...
  19. Never had it turn up immediately, but it has within 15 minutes sometimes longer I try to whitelist any domain I'm expecting mail from (best practice) Also I'm not clear myself as to what takes place if one selects "allow" on "pending entries" It may just allow/OK very next email to pass straight through. Greylisting just sends a temporary reject message to resend which a compliant mail server ("RFC 821") must do within a set time (30 t0 60 minutes?).
  20. This is the latest I got from this creep http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z1903842507z8...;action=display
  21. [at]tigeronline.com is not whitelisted REMOVE THE [at] symbol and it would be eg tigeronline.com will whitelist
  22. Configurability I were referring to was what administration can do not the user And keep up the good work Thanks
  23. My understanding is that Greylisting is configurable around a whitelisting of email address (or domain) and mail server IP/s (?) A blacklist of email addresses ad IP can also be configured (I think in a time out of 2 hours?) As everything in greylisting is configurable A main disadvantage of greylisting is the 30 minute wait that becomes part of greylisting. SpamCop Email no doubt are using what is the best set-up, but have to keep cards to chest as spammers read this newsgroup JeffT last update and is still looking
  24. Greylisting works for me (and a major majority of users) that is not to say it will be everyone's cup of tea As for Gmail I only see it as good for recieving email not sending. (Hotmail is a better choice as it is competently set-up) That said I did a test from Gmail and recieved it in 30 minutes
  25. Is there anyway the SMTP "HELO" command can be enhanced to block spam or use with a greylist? All the spam I see getting through has "Received: from unknown (HELO gwlrtjk) (" I would like to know if one could also get an option to reject/hold email on a improper HELO response? Or are there to many incompetent providers out there (A reason not to auto accept an email account from a ISP?) Perhaps at first one should just tag such email as ???
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