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Posts posted by rconner

  1. Oops, never mind again. See replies below.

    Oops, never mind, I found the info..."Preferences" -> "Add Fuel"

    I'm now on the other side of a decade or more of $30/yr Spamcop mail service. It occurs to me that I have no earthly idea how to pay for any of this now (or if I even have to).

    I see I've been "converted" to a "flat rate" account but I have no idea what this means.

    I see that I have some "fuel" left from the last big CES meltdown, and I recall in the dim and distant past paying for fuel. Is this still how things work? And, if so, where do I pay for it?

    I've looked around the site and darned if I can find any info anywhere about payment. Maybe I missed something obvious.

    Of course, I left nearly all of my July $30 payment on the table when CES withdrew, maybe I ought to somehow get that credited back to me (yeah, futile I suspect).

    -- rick

  2. I am already missing Miss Betsy's posts. I feared something might have been wrong when she dropped out of sight after years of assiduous posting.

    I always felt a kinship with her, since she seemed like someone who (like me) had no special training or professional experience in the field of e-mail or networking who was nevertheless motivated to dig into it out of sheer outrage at the criminal and fraudulent antics of our friendly chickenboners.

    Farewell, Miss Betsy -- I'll LART a few more spammers in your memory.

    -- rick

  3. If it's of any consolation to you, I just checked my own (dynamic) IP and found that it was listed in 15 blacklists, some of which make sense (i.e., Spamhaus PBL), and others of which are suspicious to say the least.

    I think the proof of a BL is in how many people use it and how many deliveries (in toto) that it blocks. If nobody uses the list other than its creator and his pals, then it probably isn't responsible for much mail blocking and therefore is nothing for IP address users (including spammers) to worry about.

    I looked over the site and found that it was very elliptical to say the least, particularly as to the nature of "offenses" that would land one on one of the "voting" lists.

    Unless you are getting evidence (i.e., bounces) that your mail deliveries are being blocked in significant numbers, it may not be worth your time to deal with these guys.

    -- rick

  4. I could be wrong about the details, but as I understand, graylisting is used to discourage deliveries to MX hosts. If you forward mail (including spam) from somewhere else to the SpamCop MX, then I don't think you would get the benefit of graylisting (because your outgoing host is presumably not going to fall for the graylist trick). Only if the spam were coming straight to the SpamCop MX would it be subject to graylist blocking.

    -- rick

  5. And finally... ask everyone you know to post to this topic as Microsoft is promising to respond to the suggestions with the most votes.

    While you are at it, you can also suggest that Outlook stop (1) relocating line breaks and (2) clobbering the MIME structure of messages. These problems are what requires us to use a separate interface for reporting mail received by Outlook/Exchange.

    -- rick

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