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Problems Accessing Held Mail

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Hi - I've been having problems accessing Held Mail. I can login to Webmail ok. but when I choose Held Mail from the toolbar it takes a long time for the Held Mail page to display and on a number of occasions I've got the standard 'page not found' response from Internet Explorer. Any ideas about what might be causing this problem? Thanks.

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Ah, ah! I didn't realise that you could access 'held mail' from the drop down at the top right hand corner of the Webmail interface. I've been choosing 'Held Mail' from the Webmail Toolbar.

I've been emptying/reporting held mail messages (and emptying trash) regularly - 4 times a day - and have never had more than about 100 messages a go - but for some reason when you choose Held Mail from the toolbar I often get 'page not found' or a very slow response. Now I've discovered you can use the Webmail interface directly I'll use that instead.

Is there a good 'getting started and/or user guide for spamcop webmail' and/or best practice guide for managing/reporting spam?

My first impressions of Spamcop are good. I've found it so much better than other spam filtering tools and its make you feel a little bit better that you can report spam even if it doesn't have much impact on reducing the rate at which it arrives!

My thanks to all those involved in making Spamcop available to us.

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