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Spamcop blacklisting Spamcop via cbl.abuseat.org?

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Any idea why my email from Spamcop to Spamcop is being blacklisted by cbl.abuseat.org?

Return-Path: <neilmaybin[at]spamcop.net>

Delivered-To: spamcop-net-neilmaybin[at]spamcop.net

Received: (qmail 10100 invoked from network); 26 Mar 2009 10:24:05 -0000

X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.4 (2008-01-01) on blade1


X-spam-Status: hits=-1.4 tests=ALL_TRUSTED version=3.2.4

Received: from unknown (HELO c60.cesmail.net) (

by blade1.cesmail.net with SMTP; 26 Mar 2009 10:24:05 -0000

Received: from unknown (HELO epsilon2) ([])

by c60.cesmail.net with ESMTP; 26 Mar 2009 06:24:05 -0400

Received: from nsabfw1.nsab.se (nsabfw1.nsab.se []) by

webmail.spamcop.net (Horde MIME library) with HTTP; Thu, 26 Mar 2009

10:24:05 +0000

Message-ID: <20090326102405.tsm20pzyoc8kwwso-arvyznlova[at]webmail.spamcop.net>

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 10:24:05 +0000

From: Neil Maybin <neilmaybin[at]spamcop.net>

To: neilmaybin[at]spamcop.net

Subject: Test 1

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain;




Content-Disposition: inline

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.4)


X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked cbl.abuseat.org


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Any idea why my email from Spamcop to Spamcop is being blacklisted by cbl.abuseat.org?

Yes, It appears your IP is listed: http://cbl.abuseat.org/lookup.cgi?ip=217.2...;.submit=Lookup

The important lines are:


X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked cbl.abuseat.org

The last line tells you which list was used to block (which you arrear to recognize), the first line tells you which IP address was caught.

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Many thanks for both responses.



X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked cbl.abuseat.org

In fact not really my IP address as it's a public access WiFi used on the UK National Express East Coast railway line. I hadn't realised that even with an email sent from the Spamcop webmail client the logon IP was referenced in the message. But I definitely approve.


Email addresses in Forums

Thanks, that's good advice. I hadn't used the Forum for a long time and assumed when I logged in that I already had a nickname defined - clearly not. I'll change my login.

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Information from Wazoo's quote

Helpful tips & guidelines when sending PM for Name Change:

* Use "Name Change: << old name>> | << new name>>" in PM Title.

* Check FIRST to see the name you want isn't already taken here.

o (I'll ask where I look to see if a username already exists since I don't see information about determining that in the FAQ.)

There is a "Members" link at the top of the screen ... hit that, scroll down, and there's a bit 'better' search option where you can plug something in and see if it scores a hit. (thanks for the note.)

* BE PATIENT. Please wait at least 48hrs before reminding the admin.

* TM and | symbols are fun but not easy to use when it comes to logging in.

* You will receive an automated Email informing you when your name has been changed.

Miss Betsy

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Any idea how I can delete or rename the account and remove the postings with my email address in them? I've had a look and I can't see what the process is. Thanks.
PM = Personal Message.

You need to find a post from Wazoo and look in the lower left corner for the "PM" icon. If you hit that, it will start a "Personal Message" to Wazoo, who is the forum administrator.

After that, you're on your own. I don't know anything more. All I know is that you have to specifically ask Wazoo to change your login name.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

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Hi, neilmaybin,

...Please see SpamCop Forum article "Pinned: Spammers love Forum name = e-mail address," especially the "QUOTE"d content in the original post by Wazoo.

Any idea how I can delete or rename the account and remove the postings with my email address in them? I've had a look and I can't see what the process is. Thanks.
...Sorry, I guess my suggestion didn't lead you far enough. Here's another try (which will get you to the same place Miss Betsy 70095[/snapback] did):

...If you still have questions, please post here and I (or someone else) will be happy to try to answer!

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Any idea how I can delete or rename the account and remove the postings with my email address in them? I've had a look and I can't see what the process is. Thanks.

The previously referenced Announcement included a link to the Forum FAQ

Please see: SECTION 7 - Change of Username

I hadn't used the Forum for a long time and assumed when I logged in that I already had a nickname defined - clearly not. I'll change my login.

This seems to imply that there's a second account involved "here" .... what was the original account name/data?

The database does show that you've attempted to change your Registered e-mail address for this account, but last time I looked, that had not yet been followed-up. Not quite the suggested/documented way to try to change the 'display' name in he posts. The data in question is now embedded into the database, so that's where it needs to be changed, why I am the only person involved with this type of action.

The "48 hour" suggestion tried to take real-life into account .. for instance, currently have a niece in an Iowa City hospital dealing with a brain tumor, an aunt in a hospital in Des Moines dealing with an assumed heart attack, a cousin out in the Fargo area dealing with the record flood there, a nephew on his way back from Kuwait to see his sister, a mother down with her back-pain issues, further complicated by screwing up and falling asleep on a heat pad turned to high, covers removed, etc. and now dealing with second-degree burns .. on and on .... I'm playing catch-up here now.

And for a bit of history, I did in fact try the direct notification to some of the folks described in the Announcement Topic .... gave it up when it turns out that many of them decided to take the "Report as spam" action ....

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