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Filter Rules In WebMail - Choices Limited?

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Question regarding New Filter Rules.

There is one sender that I would like to bounce mail back to rather than continue reporting it as spam as I know the sending address is genuine. I see no option for this, although when looking at the help it would appear that something similar may have once existed (the choice to forward mail isn't there any more).

Ideas, comments anyone?

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There is one sender that I would like to bounce mail back to rather than continue reporting it as spam as I know the sending address is genuine. I see no option for this

I don't think this is an option within webmail.

I could easily do this in my offline mail program but would probably just delete rather than bounce. Even if you believe the sender address is genuine you could end up being reported yourself for sending spam.


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That's a thought...hmmmm...I think I'll just either use the rule to delete them, or continue reporting them as spam until hopefully their ISP does something about it.

It's a store in San Diego whose owner I helped out on the McAfee forums and I had to email him a fix. he added me to their mailing list without my permission and, despite repeated requests to be removed, I'm still getting emails. I'm in Canada, how the hell they think I'm going to be buying antiques in San Diego is beyond me.

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I discovered that spamcop reports are pretty useless for 'prior relationship' issues. Since yours is the only report they receive, the server admin tends to ignore it as a probable mistake. There is no probability of the IP address being listed since, again, they are not spamming other people (or there are not enough people who report).

It is much better to manually contact the list owner and explain to him about confirmed subscription and how you never unsubscribe (if there is an unsubscribe in the email) from something that you did not subscribe to. If he ignores you, then manually contact his ISP or webhost and explain again how he got your email address, how you never unsubscribe (on the authority of the FTC), why confirmed subscription is 'best practices, and how this person has not unsubscribed you at your request - with a cc to the list owner. (I don't know whether he would care or not, but alternately if he ignores your first request, you could state that you are going to contact McAfee Site Advisor with a poor report before contacting the ISP.)

I am not guaranteeing it will work, but it has more chance of working than reporting via spamcop.

Miss Betsy

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Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it some thought. I actually have emailed and even phoned the guy once and he agreed to take me off the mailing list. Assuming he can find me of course. I have no idea which of my 16 email addresses I used and I can hardly expect someone to check their email lists for all of those.

I guess I'll have to grin and bear it.

I'll set SC webmail to delete them as they come in. best way I guess.

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