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When to drop reporting to an ISP

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If you have been reporting spam for weeks to isp's like cert.br, ttnet.net.tr, turktelecom.com.tr, and tpnet.pl, and you still continue to get spam, is there any point in clicking to continue sending them reports? or should you just cancel? It seems pointless.

Reporting spam with SpamCop has two functions:

  • It sends abuse reports to mail servers' administrators, in the hope that they'll take action against misbehaving senders;
  • It contributes to putting or keeping the sender on the SpamCop blocking list.

For corporate users with fixed IP addresses, having one's connection blocked by spam filters is of course quite annoying, to say the least; for dynamically-addressed lines it's subtler: there, if the ISP takes no action against spammers, we can hope that constant reporting of various addresses of a single server will cause "well-behaving" customers to either complain, or "vote with their feet" and take their business elsewhere (or both); but I don't expect this to happen in a manner significant enough to make the ISP admins care about it (where they originally didn't), unless reports continue to flow (and spam-blocking continues to happen) for quite some time, maybe several years.

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.....or "vote with their feet" and take their business elsewhere...

You'd be surprised!

We had a local phenomena where an ISP lost 800 customers per day - two months later, they sold their ISP division, or faced receivership :)


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We had a local phenomena where an ISP lost 800 customers per day - two months later, they sold their ISP division, or faced receivership :)

800 per day! That ought to have triggered the call to battle stations all over the company before the week was over! Or else, they didn't really care about those Internet customers. In the interest of any remaining ones, I hope the buying company had better policies.

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