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Outlook Message from spam Cop

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Can somebody explain as an Outlook user what I should be doing with technical message from spam Cop after I have logged out and reported my spam.

I tend to glaze over with some of the langauge used and instructions but keen to use spam Cop properly and not waste peoples time. Thank you

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I guess you are talking about using the webform and when you have submitted your spam, it produces the 'parse' results with buttons down near the bottom to (one of) 'send reports', 'preview reports' or 'cancel'?

The spam is not reported until you hit the 'send reports' button

- there are places that can be suggested you look if you are not confident about what you are being asked to verify before reporting (like http://rickconner.net/spamweb/index.html)

- otherwise you just go down the page and 'send reports'.

Or are you talking about something else? You mustn't submit from Outlook using the e-mail submission method (it can do bad things in that mode), there are alerts about that 'here' http://members.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/122.html and http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=10245

I'm thinking this belongs in another forum section (this one is for the SpamCop e-mail system) but await your response.

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Thanks for wanting to act responsibly...

However, you will have top provide a little more information. Farelf wonders if you are having issues with the web-based forms but I wondered if you're attempting to report spam using Outlook to forward your Emails. Perhaps you're uncertain what to do now that reporting by forwarding from Outlook is prohibited.

Can you tell us how you make your reports and be a bit more specific on how you are then confused :)


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Can somebody explain as an Outlook user what I should be doing with technical message from spam Cop after I have logged out and reported my spam.

As others have pointed out, you posted this into the Forum Section SpamCop Email System & Accounts which was set-up for issues with the SpamCop.bet e-mail system. It sounds like you are trying to ask a question dealing with the Parsing & Reporting System wch would normally be found over in the Reporting Help Forum section.

The "technical message after logging off" seems to suggest both an e-mail submittal and a web-based submittal . gowever, I can't guess as to which either.

I tend to glaze over with some of the langauge used and instructions but keen to use spam Cop properly and not waste peoples time.

Thanks for the thoights, but .... just as you wish to describe the various FAQ and Wiki entries as eye-glazing, it seems that not enough data in your posted query has been offered to allow anyone here to try to help out and explain anything in a differen way.

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(Moderator Edit: Two copies of Farelf's post as a 'quote' deleted. incomplete 'colot' code deleted. Then somehow while I was editing, the posts was also being edited by andyhumphreys .. weird ... third 'quoyr' deleted.)

Sorry if post was in wrong section. I was talking about the Outlook issue but note others have responded so will respond to them . Many thanks

Hi Wazoo. A number of you have responded but it seems courteous to reply to all of you. What I need expalined is the message in red I get having sent spam reports and logged off. I am using Outlook but get the distinct impression I should not continue to use until I have carried out instructions. I will look at links provided in the forum but if somebody can explain what i should do simply I am up for it! Thanks for your time

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Please post the message in red. We can tell you what it means.

You cannot submit spam via email if you are using Outlook. Outlook does not send the headers correctly.

You can copy and paste them into the web form. You can ask questions about how to do that if the FAQ is unclear to you. You can ask a question about the part that you don't understand.

Miss Betsy

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I am using Outlook but get the distinct impression I should not continue to use until I have carried out instructions. I will look at links provided in the forum but if somebody can explain what i should do simply I am up for it!

Miss Betsy's answer is to the point. You should not report Email by forwarding spam using Outlook.

This is a fairly recent change in the protocol - see these announcements. The only means available to you at present are to report by pasting your spam headers and content in the web-based forms or using a different mail program.

I guess this a reporting section item since the OP has clarified that this isn't linked to the Email service.


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hi message in red was just the one alerting Outlook to problem discussed.

I am using Mailwasher Pro to intercept my emails before they reach Outlook account. So the spam reporting comes from that system. Is that OK as not directly reporting from Outlook?

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...I am using Mailwasher Pro to intercept my emails before they reach Outlook account. So the spam reporting comes from that system. Is that OK as not directly reporting from Outlook?
You forward from MailWasher? Yes, that should be OK. The only problem is if you report by 'forward as attachment' from Outlook. When you do that, Outlook messes up the headers - it is only on forwarding that Outlook messes them up. If you don't use Outlook to forward it is OK - even copying the headers (View -> Options -> Ctrl-A -> Ctrl-C) from Outlook and pasting into the web-based submission form is OK.
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I don't believe that you should get the red message if you are forwarding from Mailwasher Pro. I don't know how the software can tell how you are forwarding. I would think that if you are forwarding from Mailwasher Pro and that is ok, the software should know.

By the way, if you are using Mailwasher Pro, do NOT use the 'bounce' function. Mailwasher Pro does not hide your IP address. The 'bounces' from Mailwasher Pro are simply re-sending the spam to innocent people. Some of those people may report, as spam, the 'bounces' they get from you. Then your IP address will be considered as sending spam.

You should contact spamcop directly - service[at]spamcop.net - to clarify why you got that red message, in my opinion. The official instructions say, in one place, that it is ok "...look into running mailwasher..." and in another place below that "The add-on programs mentioned above will not work with Outlook. You must use the web form to submit spam if you use Outlook as your email client."

Please let us know if your problem is solved.

Miss Betsy

PS This topic should be in the Reporting Forum. I hesitate to move it until it is resolved. I don't know how difficult it is for the OP to find it once it has been moved.

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I don't believe that you should get the red message if you are forwarding from Mailwasher Pro. I don't know how the software can tell how you are forwarding. I would think that if you are forwarding from Mailwasher Pro and that is ok, the software should know.
You posted this without seeing mine, I think. I thought the O/P was talking about the message that appears below the submission box in the webform (after sending reports, exiting and logging back in) -

Microsoft Outlook Users Please Read

Everyone sees that message, whether they use Outlook or not. A possible source of confusion there for the O/P is that MailWasher Pro is not mentioned as one of the three named applications which might be used with Outlook. That is (presumably) because it intercedes before Outlook gets its hands on the message. As that link above also says (my emphasis) "You can copy/paste or look into running mailwasher or some other 3rd party add-in/add-on but you must stop forwarding as an attachment."

PS This topic should be in the Reporting Forum. I hesitate to move it until it is resolved. I don't know how difficult it is for the OP to find it once it has been moved.
As above, moved already by the time you posted, redirector left in place and PM sent to O/P with link.

O/P please read the rest of Miss Betsy's post above this one.

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Yes, I did see your post. I also saw the post by Ellen that said that Mailwasher would work. However, I also read the 'official SpamCop' information on Outlook.

It still does not clarify the conflicting information in the official Spamcop FAQ where it says that it is ok to use add-ons like Mailwasher and then below it says, 'the above add-ons do not work... use the webform'

So, everyone sees the 'red' Outlook message? Since the OP has not posted exactly what message he is talking about, that might be it. We are still guessing (unless we use Outlook). I don't see how users can resolve this question. Of course, if a user who uses Mailwasher Pro and Outlook posts that the parser can correctly parse email submissions from Outlook users who use Mailwasher Pro, then we will know that the FAQ mean that 'add-ons' do work with the current version of Outlook contrary to the statement that the "above add-ons don't work. Use the webform".

Since 'official SpamCop' does not see all posts, I would prefer to hear from the OP what was the resolution.

Miss Betsy

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...does not clarify the conflicting information in the official Spamcop FAQ where it says that it is ok to use add-ons like Mailwasher and then below it says, 'the above add-ons do not work... use the webform'...
...So, everyone sees the 'red' Outlook message?...
Yes, it is a "News" item at the bottom of the 'members' page, but not seen following the initial log-in if reporting a batch of e-mailed spam (ie, not seen on the return to the page after reporting a spam). Not seen at all if member simply follows the links in the notification e-mail ("[spamCop] has accepted ... email for reporting"). Unless they (re)log into the page after completing their reports. Which seemed to fit the O/Ps description.
... We are still guessing (unless we use Outlook). I don't see how users can resolve this question. Of course, if a user who uses Mailwasher Pro and Outlook posts that the parser can correctly parse email submissions from Outlook users who use Mailwasher Pro, then we will know that the FAQ mean that 'add-ons' do work with the current version of Outlook contrary to the statement that the "above add-ons don't work. Use the webform". ...
OK. Procedure is to to record the 'full revealed headers' as described in the FAQ (as linked above - the 'View->Options' process) and compare with those from the same spam accepted in an e-mail submission, line by line. This is is particularly important where the spam follows a chain of servers before reaching the reporter, paying particular attention that the order of those servers is not affected by e-mail submission to SC.
...Since 'official SpamCop' does not see all posts, I would prefer to hear from the OP what was the resolution.
Of course.

[on edit] 'Procedure is...' clarification added.

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OK guys. I think the OP is me? So what does that stand for then?

Farelf is correct about the message I see which got me worried in the first place. Only seen after I have logged out.

It was only yesterday that I realised that using Mailwasher Pro I might not need to have started this discussion :(

Miss Betsy would like to know if a resolution? In some ways it is resolved as I will return to Mailwasher and carry on reporting spam ( am gonna change my email address), but stop bouncing. Thanks again for your advice.

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OK guys. I think the OP is me? So what does that stand for then? ...
Sorry - jargon, yes that's you.
... Farelf is correct about the message I see which got me worried in the first place. Only seen after I have logged out.
Thanks, yes everyone gets that message (in that cirsumstance) at the moment, no matter how they submit.
...It was only yesterday that I realised that using Mailwasher Pro I might not need to have started this discussion :(

Miss Betsy would like to know if a resolution? In some ways it is resolved as I will return to Mailwasher and carry on reporting spam ( am gonna change my email address), but stop bouncing. Thanks again for your advice.

Thanks for reporting back (and yes, I got your PM - Personal Message - too). Yes, stop bouncing. And *please*, check to see the exact spam headers are faithfully sent to SC in your MailWasher submissions (as below). As Miss Betsy points out, the official SC advice is ambiguous (when you read it all) about whether MW is actually OK or not. I think it is but SC seemingly thinks it both *is* and *isn't* OK, the way that advice is worded. It can't be both. NO WONDER you were confused when you were reading that :D.

Can you see the full headers of the spam caught by MW before/after they are sent to SC? The thing to do is to compare unsubmitted full headers with the (same) ones SC gets from the submission, line by line as mentioned above. That would help ALL MailWasher + Outlook users (help, please, pretty please). Can you look at that for us? What version of Outlook do you have?

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OP = Original Poster

And, yes, please do compare your headers from Mailwasher Pro (what you see in the SC Report) to the headers that you see in Outlook for the same spam. It is a good thing that you asked the question.

If you change your email address, use numbers also so the dictionary spammers can't guess it as easily. For Example: humphr3y5 or andy19humphreys

Miss Betsy

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